🟥 #BR230701 - Adding an edit/delete command on deck selection (Main game / Alpha 0.0.6 / #CLOSED)

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I tried to edit my deck the only options there is to VIEW or COPY it.

Now, I have duplicate deck with the same cards in it and will stack up.

I'm suggesting to Add another command to EDIT or Delete the deck created. 




Jul 1, 2023 11:10 AM (2 years ago)

Those decks are clearly locked. You can't edit a locked deck, and decks get locked while being used in a match, so, if they're still locked, then there's another issue here.

Will move this ticket to the bug reports forum and convert it into a ticket.

Jul 1, 2023 11:16 AM (2 years ago)

Please, whenever you have a chance, open the game, go straight to the inventory, make a sceenshot and add it on this thread.

If you have the original deck unlocked and the two copys locked, then it means the system copied the source deck with the locked flag... just need to confirm it before issuing the patch.

Jul 2, 2023 3:41 PM (2 years ago)

I see none of your decks is actually locked, so you might have had all of them locked in matches when you posted this.

Discarding the ticket.

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