Posts published on November 17, 2023 go to media archive

🟥 #FR2311172119 extra nodes (#MainGame / #Alpha0010 / CLOSED)

During discussion with Trey, we realized that we would need to boost some nodes during the match to allow players to use the magics and stronger cards such as generals and Legendaries.The number suggested is as follows:Round 10: gives 1 extra node…

🟥 #TR231117T205540 - API Error message (#MainGame / #Alpha0010 / CLOSED)

SUGGESTIO: Replace the API error that appears when trying to placing a card not having enough nodes to a more informative message. The "API error" gives the feeling that the problem is in the system, as the problem is just because the player…

🟥 #FR231117T190805 - Board music (#MainGame / #Alpha0010 / CLOSED)

I suggest add music alternation in order not to get the player tired of the same music replaying. We could have a few tracks running for all the boards. Client info: Client version: 0.0.10 Platform: electron Device type: browser Display dimensions…

🟥 Casting sniper magic (#MainGame / Alpha0010 / CLOSED)

I tried to cast a sniper magic from the bull card(located on the bottom left corner), targeting the attack on the crypto zen(located on the top left corner).The Sniper magic should allow me to attack two blocks away, which was fine in this…

🟥 #BR231117T184556 - Magic sniper attack on sleeping card (#MainGame / #Alpha0010 / CLOSED)

I used the sniper magic to attack my opponent's card that was two blocks away from my selected card which was also on sleeping mode. (Round 11 I believe) The attack worked fine and killed the card, but the sleeping icon remained on the board…