🟥 #TR230514 - Redesign the Marketplace (Main game / Alpha 0.0.5 / #CLOSED)

Permalink Report to webmaster

After going through the card marketplace, I found it a bit cumbersome to go through the cards. First off i would remove all the metadata from the main page like the Lore of the card and any writing associated with it even the price. All that info would be found after clicking on the card, showing the users that list that card for sale and the prices associated with it. Also I would readjust the size of the graphics to fit more cards in 1 row now that all the other metadata has been removed from display, just leaving the image of the card and the name.

Below is an example of what I mean. This is from Splinterlands TCG. The first card if you realize is Gargoya Lion, the "4040" in the top right corner represents how many of this card is listed in the marketplace. Also displayed right above the card is the min price listed in the market and the total circulation of that card.




May 14, 2023 8:28 AM (2 years ago)

Tagged for review.

May 26, 2023 12:39 PM (2 years ago)

Request partially fulfilled: the marketplace on the game was trimmed down. Changes scheduled for the next release.

Regarding changes on the marketplace at the Onix website: the request will be added on the Onix website changes queue.

Case will be closed for the purpose of this forum.

May 26, 2023 12:49 PM (2 years ago)

Side note: the Onix marketplace won't be exclusive for AOC. It is designed to be used by any Onix-powered game, so, not all proposed changes might be eligible for implementation.

Jul 8, 2023 8:07 PM (2 years ago)

Case closed.

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