⛔️ #BR230823T152859 - (#MainGame / #Alpha009 / NOT A BUG)

Permalink Report to webmaster

Chat stopped working after the game bugged for player 1 and wouldn't let him attack. now game is telling me "game not found" no winloss message, This is CerealKilled, took video on phone, will post in Discord Help-FAQ

Client info:

  • Client version: 0.0.9
  • Platform: electron
  • Device type: browser
  • Display dimensions: 1920x1017px
  • Viewport resolution: 1920x1017px
  • User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) com.armyofcrypto.game/0.0.9 Chrome/93.0.4577.82 Electron/14.2.9 Safari/537.36

Current match info:

  • Match id: #1001
  • Creator: @downtowndetal (downtowndetal)
  • Challenger: @cerealkilled (CerealKilled)

8/23/2023, 11:03:08 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.after_loading_board]
Node and round counters initialized

8/23/2023, 11:03:08 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.soldiers_prefill.picks_state_listener.stop]
Stopped soldier prefills picks state listener

8/23/2023, 11:03:08 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.soldiers_prefill.picks_state_listener.start]
Started soldier prefills picks state listener in build mode

8/23/2023, 11:03:13 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.soldiers_prefill.submit_picks]
>>> Current player picks submitted. Data: {"5":"pending","6":"pending","7":"pending"}

8/23/2023, 11:04:04 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.soldiers_prefill.picks_state_listener.run]
>>> Player 1 picks received. Data: {"1":"pending","6":"pending","12":"pending"}

8/23/2023, 11:04:04 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.soldiers_prefill.picks_state_listener.stop]
Stopped soldier prefills picks state listener

8/23/2023, 11:04:04 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.placing_turns.turn_owner_listener.stop]
Stopped prefills placing turn listener

8/23/2023, 11:04:04 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.placing_turns.turn_owner_listener.launch]
Soldier prefill picks state mode set to "update"

8/23/2023, 11:04:04 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.placing_turns.turn_owner_listener.launch]
Started prefills placing turn owner listener

8/23/2023, 11:04:05 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.placing_turns.turn_owner_listener.run]
Turn owner fetched. Response: 2

8/23/2023, 11:04:05 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.soldiers_prefill.picks_state_listener.run]
>>> Player 1 picks received. Data: {"1":"pending","6":"pending","12":"pending"}

8/23/2023, 11:04:05 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.ui_ops.run_coin_flip_animation]
>>> Running coin flip

8/23/2023, 11:04:10 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.placing_turns.turn_owner_listener.stop]
Stopped prefills placing turn listener

8/23/2023, 11:04:10 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.placing_turns.turn_owner_listener._post_run_actions]
User should place card now

8/23/2023, 11:04:11 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.ui_ops.prep_player_card_placement]
Dragging card #7 started

8/23/2023, 11:04:13 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.ui_ops.prep_player_card_placement]
Dragging card #7 started

8/23/2023, 11:04:14 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.ui_ops.card_dropped]
Card #7 dropped on slot 5,1

8/23/2023, 11:04:14 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.ui_ops.place_card]
>>> Card 7 from player 2 placed on 5,1

8/23/2023, 11:04:14 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.placing_turns.turn_owner_listener.stop]
Stopped prefills placing turn listener

8/23/2023, 11:04:14 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.placing_turns.turn_owner_listener.launch]
Soldier prefill picks state mode set to "update"

8/23/2023, 11:04:14 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.placing_turns.turn_owner_listener.launch]
Started prefills placing turn owner listener

8/23/2023, 11:04:14 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.placing_turns.turn_owner_listener.run]
Turn owner fetched. Response: 1

8/23/2023, 11:04:14 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.soldiers_prefill.picks_state_listener.run]
>>> Player 1 picks received. Data: {"1":"pending","6":"pending","12":"pending"}

8/23/2023, 11:04:14 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.ui_ops.deny_user_from_placing_card]
User prevented from placing cards

8/23/2023, 11:04:16 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.placing_turns.turn_owner_listener.run]
Turn owner fetched. Response: 1

8/23/2023, 11:04:16 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.soldiers_prefill.picks_state_listener.run]
>>> Player 1 picks received. Data: {"1":"pending","6":"pending","12":"pending"}

8/23/2023, 11:04:18 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.placing_turns.turn_owner_listener.run]
Turn owner fetched. Response: 1

8/23/2023, 11:04:18 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.soldiers_prefill.picks_state_listener.run]
>>> Player 1 picks received. Data: {"1":"pending","6":"pending","12":"pending"}

8/23/2023, 11:04:20 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.placing_turns.turn_owner_listener.run]
Turn owner fetched. Response: 1

8/23/2023, 11:04:20 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.soldiers_prefill.picks_state_listener.run]
>>> Player 1 picks received. Data: {"1":"pending","6":"pending","12":"pending"}

8/23/2023, 11:04:22 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.placing_turns.turn_owner_listener.run]
Turn owner fetched. Response: 1

8/23/2023, 11:04:22 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.soldiers_prefill.picks_state_listener.run]
>>> Player 1 picks received. Data: {"1":"pending","6":"pending","12":"pending"}

8/23/2023, 11:04:24 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.placing_turns.turn_owner_listener.run]
Turn owner fetched. Response: 2

8/23/2023, 11:04:24 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.soldiers_prefill.picks_state_listener.run]
>>> Player 1 picks received. Data: {"1":"1,3","6":"pending","12":"pending"}

8/23/2023, 11:04:24 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.ui_ops.place_card]
>>> Card 1 from player 1 placed on 1,3

8/23/2023, 11:04:24 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.placing_turns.turn_owner_listener.stop]
Stopped prefills placing turn listener

8/23/2023, 11:04:24 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.placing_turns.turn_owner_listener._post_run_actions]
User should place card now

8/23/2023, 11:04:34 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.ui_ops.prep_player_card_placement]
Dragging card #6 started

8/23/2023, 11:04:38 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.ui_ops.card_dropped]
Card #6 dropped on slot 5,2

8/23/2023, 11:04:38 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.ui_ops.place_card]
>>> Card 6 from player 2 placed on 5,2

8/23/2023, 11:04:39 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.placing_turns.turn_owner_listener.stop]
Stopped prefills placing turn listener

8/23/2023, 11:04:39 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.placing_turns.turn_owner_listener.launch]
Soldier prefill picks state mode set to "update"

8/23/2023, 11:04:39 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.placing_turns.turn_owner_listener.launch]
Started prefills placing turn owner listener

8/23/2023, 11:04:39 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.placing_turns.turn_owner_listener.run]
Turn owner fetched. Response: 1

8/23/2023, 11:04:39 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.soldiers_prefill.picks_state_listener.run]
>>> Player 1 picks received. Data: {"1":"1,3","6":"pending","12":"pending"}

8/23/2023, 11:04:39 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.ui_ops.deny_user_from_placing_card]
User prevented from placing cards

8/23/2023, 11:04:41 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.placing_turns.turn_owner_listener.run]
Turn owner fetched. Response: 1

8/23/2023, 11:04:41 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.soldiers_prefill.picks_state_listener.run]
>>> Player 1 picks received. Data: {"1":"1,3","6":"pending","12":"pending"}

8/23/2023, 11:04:43 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.placing_turns.turn_owner_listener.run]
Turn owner fetched. Response: 1

8/23/2023, 11:04:43 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.soldiers_prefill.picks_state_listener.run]
>>> Player 1 picks received. Data: {"1":"1,3","6":"pending","12":"pending"}

8/23/2023, 11:04:45 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.placing_turns.turn_owner_listener.run]
Turn owner fetched. Response: 1

8/23/2023, 11:04:45 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.soldiers_prefill.picks_state_listener.run]
>>> Player 1 picks received. Data: {"1":"1,3","6":"pending","12":"pending"}

8/23/2023, 11:04:47 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.placing_turns.turn_owner_listener.run]
Turn owner fetched. Response: 2

8/23/2023, 11:04:47 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.soldiers_prefill.picks_state_listener.run]
>>> Player 1 picks received. Data: {"1":"1,3","6":"pending","12":"1,1"}

8/23/2023, 11:04:47 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.ui_ops.place_card]
>>> Card 12 from player 1 placed on 1,1

8/23/2023, 11:04:47 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.placing_turns.turn_owner_listener.stop]
Stopped prefills placing turn listener

8/23/2023, 11:04:47 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.placing_turns.turn_owner_listener._post_run_actions]
User should place card now

8/23/2023, 11:04:50 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.ui_ops.prep_player_card_placement]
Dragging card #5 started

8/23/2023, 11:04:51 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.ui_ops.card_dropped]
Card #5 dropped on slot 5,3

8/23/2023, 11:04:51 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.ui_ops.place_card]
>>> Card 5 from player 2 placed on 5,3

8/23/2023, 11:04:51 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.placing_turns.turn_owner_listener.stop]
Stopped prefills placing turn listener

8/23/2023, 11:04:51 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.placing_turns.turn_owner_listener.launch]
Soldier prefill picks state mode set to "update"

8/23/2023, 11:04:51 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.placing_turns.turn_owner_listener.launch]
Started prefills placing turn owner listener

8/23/2023, 11:04:52 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.placing_turns.turn_owner_listener.run]
Turn owner fetched. Response: 1

8/23/2023, 11:04:52 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.soldiers_prefill.picks_state_listener.run]
>>> Player 1 picks received. Data: {"1":"1,3","6":"pending","12":"1,1"}

8/23/2023, 11:04:52 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.ui_ops.deny_user_from_placing_card]
User prevented from placing cards

8/23/2023, 11:04:54 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.placing_turns.turn_owner_listener.run]
Turn owner fetched. Response: 1

8/23/2023, 11:04:54 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.soldiers_prefill.picks_state_listener.run]
>>> Player 1 picks received. Data: {"1":"1,3","6":"pending","12":"1,1"}

8/23/2023, 11:04:56 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.placing_turns.turn_owner_listener.run]
Turn owner fetched. Response: 1

8/23/2023, 11:04:56 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.soldiers_prefill.picks_state_listener.run]
>>> Player 1 picks received. Data: {"1":"1,3","6":"pending","12":"1,1"}

8/23/2023, 11:04:58 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.placing_turns.turn_owner_listener.run]
Turn owner fetched. Response: 1

8/23/2023, 11:04:58 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.soldiers_prefill.picks_state_listener.run]
>>> Player 1 picks received. Data: {"1":"1,3","6":"pending","12":"1,1"}

8/23/2023, 11:05:00 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.placing_turns.turn_owner_listener.run]
Turn owner fetched. Response: 1

8/23/2023, 11:05:00 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.soldiers_prefill.picks_state_listener.run]
>>> Player 1 picks received. Data: {"1":"1,3","6":"pending","12":"1,1"}

8/23/2023, 11:05:02 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.placing_turns.turn_owner_listener.run]
Turn owner fetched. Response: 1

8/23/2023, 11:05:02 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.soldiers_prefill.picks_state_listener.run]
>>> Player 1 picks received. Data: {"1":"1,3","6":"pending","12":"1,1"}

8/23/2023, 11:05:04 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.placing_turns.turn_owner_listener.run]
Turn owner fetched. Response: 1

8/23/2023, 11:05:04 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.soldiers_prefill.picks_state_listener.run]
>>> Player 1 picks received. Data: {"1":"1,3","6":"pending","12":"1,1"}

8/23/2023, 11:05:06 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.placing_turns.turn_owner_listener.run]
Turn owner fetched. Response: 1

8/23/2023, 11:05:06 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.soldiers_prefill.picks_state_listener.run]
>>> Player 1 picks received. Data: {"1":"1,3","6":"pending","12":"1,1"}

8/23/2023, 11:05:08 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.placing_turns.turn_owner_listener.run]
Turn owner fetched. Response: -1

8/23/2023, 11:05:08 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.soldiers_prefill.picks_state_listener.run]
>>> Player 1 picks received. Data: {"1":"1,3","6":"3,2","12":"1,1"}

8/23/2023, 11:05:08 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.ui_ops.place_card]
>>> Card 6 from player 1 placed on 3,2

8/23/2023, 11:05:08 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.placing_turns.turn_owner_listener._post_run]
>>> Placing phase concluded

8/23/2023, 11:05:08 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.placing_turns.turn_owner_listener.stop]
Stopped prefills placing turn listener

8/23/2023, 11:05:08 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.placing_turns.turn_owner_listener._post_run]
***Post-prefill arrangements after finalization signal start now***

8/23/2023, 11:05:08 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.ui_ops.restore_hidden_board_elements]
Hidden board elements restored.

8/23/2023, 11:05:08 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.ui_ops.deny_user_from_placing_card]
User prevented from placing cards

8/23/2023, 11:05:08 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.after_receiving_prefills_finalization_signal.start]
Match meta and turns data updated.

8/23/2023, 11:05:14 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.after_receiving_prefills_finalization_signal.finalize]
*** Standard battle flow should begin now (after receiving prefills finalization signal) ***

8/23/2023, 11:05:14 AM [app.battle_engine.start_flow]
*** Standard battle flow started ***

8/23/2023, 11:05:14 AM [app.battle_engine.chat.init]
Initializing battle chat

8/23/2023, 11:05:14 AM [app.battle_engine.chat.init]
Battle chat initialized

8/23/2023, 11:05:14 AM [app.battle_engine.chat.resume_listener]
Battle chat listener started

8/23/2023, 11:05:14 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__add_cards_in_hand]
Cards in hand updated: [1,3,12]

8/23/2023, 11:05:14 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__add_cards_out_hand]
Cards out hand updated: [2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11]

8/23/2023, 11:05:14 AM [app.battle_engine.start_flow]
Starting UIcommands speed run.

8/23/2023, 11:05:14 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
set_current_turn( 1 );
set_playing_turn_owner( 2 );
block_all_players_but( 2 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 2 );
add_nodes_to_player( 'tzan-tcekbpsbihqz99pa', 2, 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:05:14 AM [ui_commands]
Set current turn
Current turn set to 1

8/23/2023, 11:05:14 AM [___cleanup_leftover_anims]
Leftover anims cleaned

8/23/2023, 11:05:14 AM [ui_commands]
Set playing turn owner
Playing turn owner set to 2

8/23/2023, 11:05:14 AM [ui_commands]
Block all players but...
Blocking all players but 2

8/23/2023, 11:05:14 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.rebind_board_cards]
Rebinding all board cards of player 2

8/23/2023, 11:05:14 AM [block_all_players_but]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:05:14 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 2

8/23/2023, 11:05:14 AM [ui_commands]
Add nodes to player
Player 2 nodes count updated from 0 to 1

8/23/2023, 11:05:14 AM [app.battle_engine.start_flow]
UI commands speed run finished.

8/23/2023, 11:05:14 AM [app.battle_engine.start_flow]
Programmatically enabling the turn timer for the current player

8/23/2023, 11:05:14 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.start_turn_timer]
Turn timer started

8/23/2023, 11:05:25 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__card_moved]
Card #6 moved from slot 5,2 to slot 4,2

8/23/2023, 11:05:25 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__remove_card_from_hand]
Cards in hand updated from [1,3,12] to [1,3]

8/23/2023, 11:05:25 AM [ui_commands]
Place player card in board
Card 6 from player 2 placed on 4,2

8/23/2023, 11:05:25 AM [ui_commands]
Clear module
Module 5,2 cleared

8/23/2023, 11:05:25 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__card_moved]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:05:26 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__card_movement_confirmed]
Board view unblocked

8/23/2023, 11:05:26 AM [ui_commands]
Clear module
Module 5,2 cleared

8/23/2023, 11:05:26 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
move_card( 2, 6, 5, 2, '4', '2' );
set_match_meta( 'player_2_has_MoA_on_turn_1', '6' );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 2 );
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:05:26 AM [ui_commands]
Move card
Moving card 6 of player 2 from 5,2 to 4,2

8/23/2023, 11:05:26 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 2

8/23/2023, 11:05:27 AM [ui_commands]
Conclude turn
Manual turn conclusion triggered

8/23/2023, 11:05:27 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.stop_turn_timer]
Turn timer stopped

8/23/2023, 11:05:27 AM [conclude_turn]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:05:27 AM [conclude_turn]
Board view unblocked

8/23/2023, 11:05:27 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Declaring new turn
set_current_turn( 2 );
set_playing_turn_owner( 1 );
block_all_players_but( 1 );
add_nodes_to_player( 'addnodes-kt62gh6rna5zjgrf', 1, 1 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );
// Complementing commands

8/23/2023, 11:05:27 AM [ui_commands]
Set current turn
Current turn set to 2

8/23/2023, 11:05:27 AM [___cleanup_leftover_anims]
Leftover anims cleaned

8/23/2023, 11:05:27 AM [ui_commands]
Set playing turn owner
Playing turn owner set to 1

8/23/2023, 11:05:27 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.stop_turn_timer]
Turn timer stopped

8/23/2023, 11:05:27 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.clear_turn_timer]
Turn timer cleared

8/23/2023, 11:05:27 AM [ui_commands]
Block all players but...
Blocking all players but 1

8/23/2023, 11:05:27 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.rebind_board_cards]
Rebinding all board cards of player 1

8/23/2023, 11:05:27 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:05:30 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 2 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:05:30 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:05:30 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:05:33 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 2 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:05:33 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:05:33 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:05:36 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 2. Current turn in db: 2
move_card( 1, 6, 3, 2, '1', '2' );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_2', '6' );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:05:37 AM [ui_commands]
Move card
Moving card 6 of player 1 from 3,2 to 1,2

8/23/2023, 11:05:37 AM [ui_commands]
Clear module
Module 3,2 cleared

8/23/2023, 11:05:37 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:05:37 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:05:40 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 2. Current turn in db: 2
move_card( 1, 6, 3, 2, '1', '2' );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_2', '6' );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:05:40 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:05:40 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:05:43 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 2. Current turn in db: 2
move_card( 1, 6, 3, 2, '1', '2' );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_2', '6' );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );
// Adding commands
// Declaring new turn
set_current_turn( 3 );
set_playing_turn_owner( 2 );
block_all_players_but( 2 );
add_nodes_to_player( 'addnodes-4fcgqwtphzte9ytf', 2, 1 );
add_card_to_hand( 2, 2 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 2 );
// Complementing commands

8/23/2023, 11:05:43 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:05:43 AM [ui_commands]
Set current turn
Current turn set to 3

8/23/2023, 11:05:43 AM [___cleanup_leftover_anims]
Leftover anims cleaned

8/23/2023, 11:05:43 AM [ui_commands]
Set playing turn owner
Playing turn owner set to 2

8/23/2023, 11:05:43 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.start_turn_timer]
Turn timer started

8/23/2023, 11:05:43 AM [ui_commands]
Block all players but...
Blocking all players but 2

8/23/2023, 11:05:43 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.rebind_board_cards]
Rebinding all board cards of player 2

8/23/2023, 11:05:43 AM [block_all_players_but]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:05:43 AM [ui_commands]
Add nodes to player
Player 2 nodes count updated from 1 to 2

8/23/2023, 11:05:43 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 2

8/23/2023, 11:05:43 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:06:00 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__prepare_card_in_display_area]
Dragging card #12 started

8/23/2023, 11:06:02 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__card_dropped]
Card #12 dropped on slot 5,2

8/23/2023, 11:06:02 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__remove_card_from_hand]
Cards in hand updated from [1,3] to [1]

8/23/2023, 11:06:02 AM [ui_commands]
Place player card in board
Card 12 from player 2 placed on 5,2

8/23/2023, 11:06:02 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__card_dropped]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:06:03 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__card_placement_confirmed]
Board view unblocked

8/23/2023, 11:06:03 AM [play_card_voice]
Playing card sound crypto-whale.placement / card_voices.soldiers.crypto-whale.placement.i4

8/23/2023, 11:06:03 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
update_user_card_snapshot( 2, 12, {...} );
clear_module( 'place-21252-212', 5, 2 );
place_player_card_in_board( 5, 2, 2, 12, 'Crypto Whale', '0', '63.000', '1.000', '0.000', '0' );
put_card_to_sleep( 5, 2 );
prevent_player_placing_more_cards( 2, 12 );
deduct_nodes_from_player( 2, 1.000 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 2 );
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:06:03 AM [ui_commands]
Clear module
Module 5,2 cleared

8/23/2023, 11:06:03 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__remove_card_from_hand]
Cards in hand updated from [1] to []

8/23/2023, 11:06:03 AM [ui_commands]
Place player card in board
Card 12 from player 2 placed on 5,2

8/23/2023, 11:06:03 AM [ui_commands]
Put card to sleep
Putting to sleep to card at 5,2

8/23/2023, 11:06:03 AM [ui_commands]
Deduct nodes from player
Player 2 nodes count updated from 2 to 1

8/23/2023, 11:06:03 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 2

8/23/2023, 11:06:06 AM [ui_commands]
Conclude turn
Manual turn conclusion triggered

8/23/2023, 11:06:06 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.stop_turn_timer]
Turn timer stopped

8/23/2023, 11:06:06 AM [conclude_turn]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:06:06 AM [conclude_turn]
Board view unblocked

8/23/2023, 11:06:06 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Declaring new turn
set_current_turn( 4 );
set_playing_turn_owner( 1 );
block_all_players_but( 1 );
add_nodes_to_player( 'addnodes-f3zwjna3hzapy3ft', 1, 1 );
add_card_to_hand( 1, 8 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );
// Complementing commands

8/23/2023, 11:06:06 AM [ui_commands]
Set current turn
Current turn set to 4

8/23/2023, 11:06:06 AM [___cleanup_leftover_anims]
Leftover anims cleaned

8/23/2023, 11:06:06 AM [ui_commands]
Set playing turn owner
Playing turn owner set to 1

8/23/2023, 11:06:06 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.stop_turn_timer]
Turn timer stopped

8/23/2023, 11:06:06 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.clear_turn_timer]
Turn timer cleared

8/23/2023, 11:06:06 AM [ui_commands]
Block all players but...
Blocking all players but 1

8/23/2023, 11:06:06 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.rebind_board_cards]
Rebinding all board cards of player 1

8/23/2023, 11:06:06 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:06:10 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 4 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:06:10 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:06:10 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:06:13 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 4 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:06:13 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:06:13 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:06:16 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 4 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:06:16 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:06:16 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:06:19 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 4 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:06:19 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:06:19 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:06:22 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 4 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:06:22 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:06:22 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:06:25 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 4. Current turn in db: 4
update_user_card_snapshot( 1, 11, {...} );
clear_module( 'place-11122-677', 2, 2 );
place_player_card_in_board( 2, 2, 1, 11, 'Crypto Dev', '0', '26.000', '1.000', '0.000', '0' );
put_card_to_sleep( 2, 2 );
prevent_player_placing_more_cards( 1, 11 );
deduct_nodes_from_player( 1, 1.000 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:06:25 AM [ui_commands]
Update user card snapshot
Updating snapshot for card 11 of player 1

8/23/2023, 11:06:26 AM [ui_commands]
Clear module
Module 2,2 cleared

8/23/2023, 11:06:26 AM [play_card_voice]
Playing card sound crypto-dev.placement / card_voices.soldiers.crypto-dev.placement.i2

8/23/2023, 11:06:26 AM [ui_commands]
Place player card in board
Card 11 from player 1 placed on 2,2

8/23/2023, 11:06:26 AM [ui_commands]
Put card to sleep
Putting to sleep to card at 2,2

8/23/2023, 11:06:26 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:06:26 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:06:29 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 4. Current turn in db: 4
update_user_card_snapshot( 1, 11, {...} );
clear_module( 'place-11122-677', 2, 2 );
place_player_card_in_board( 2, 2, 1, 11, 'Crypto Dev', '0', '26.000', '1.000', '0.000', '0' );
put_card_to_sleep( 2, 2 );
prevent_player_placing_more_cards( 1, 11 );
deduct_nodes_from_player( 1, 1.000 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );
// Adding commands
// Declaring new turn
set_current_turn( 5 );
set_playing_turn_owner( 2 );
block_all_players_but( 2 );
add_nodes_to_player( 'addnodes-6dd94w2sz9y85x9s', 2, 1 );
add_card_to_hand( 2, 11 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 2 );
// Complementing commands

8/23/2023, 11:06:29 AM [ui_commands]
Update user card snapshot
Updating snapshot for card 11 of player 1

8/23/2023, 11:06:29 AM [ui_commands]
Put card to sleep
Putting to sleep to card at 2,2

8/23/2023, 11:06:29 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:06:29 AM [ui_commands]
Set current turn
Current turn set to 5

8/23/2023, 11:06:29 AM [___cleanup_leftover_anims]
Leftover anims cleaned

8/23/2023, 11:06:29 AM [ui_commands]
Set playing turn owner
Playing turn owner set to 2

8/23/2023, 11:06:29 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.start_turn_timer]
Turn timer started

8/23/2023, 11:06:29 AM [ui_commands]
Awaken sleeping cards
Awakened card at 5,2

8/23/2023, 11:06:29 AM [ui_commands]
Block all players but...
Blocking all players but 2

8/23/2023, 11:06:29 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.rebind_board_cards]
Rebinding all board cards of player 2

8/23/2023, 11:06:29 AM [block_all_players_but]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:06:29 AM [ui_commands]
Add nodes to player
Player 2 nodes count updated from 1 to 2

8/23/2023, 11:06:29 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.move_card_from_out_hand_to_in_hand]
Taking card out
Cards out hand updated from [2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11] to [2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]

8/23/2023, 11:06:29 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.move_card_from_out_hand_to_in_hand]
Putting card in
Cards in hand updated from [] to [11]

8/23/2023, 11:06:29 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 2

8/23/2023, 11:06:29 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:07:04 AM [ui_commands]
Pass turn
Manual turn pass invoked

8/23/2023, 11:07:04 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.stop_turn_timer]
Turn timer stopped

8/23/2023, 11:07:04 AM [pass_turn]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:07:04 AM [pass_turn]
Board view unblocked

8/23/2023, 11:07:04 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
notify_after_pass( 'notif-yueutj5e3hxw', 2, 1 )
// Declaring new turn
set_current_turn( 6 );
set_playing_turn_owner( 1 );
block_all_players_but( 1 );
add_nodes_to_player( 'addnodes-h2hkcex2gcjtdwm2', 1, 1 );
add_card_to_hand( 1, 7 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:07:04 AM [ui_commands]
Set current turn
Current turn set to 6

8/23/2023, 11:07:04 AM [___cleanup_leftover_anims]
Leftover anims cleaned

8/23/2023, 11:07:04 AM [ui_commands]
Set playing turn owner
Playing turn owner set to 1

8/23/2023, 11:07:04 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.stop_turn_timer]
Turn timer stopped

8/23/2023, 11:07:04 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.clear_turn_timer]
Turn timer cleared

8/23/2023, 11:07:04 AM [ui_commands]
Awaken sleeping cards
Awakened card at 2,2

8/23/2023, 11:07:04 AM [ui_commands]
Block all players but...
Blocking all players but 1

8/23/2023, 11:07:04 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.rebind_board_cards]
Rebinding all board cards of player 1

8/23/2023, 11:07:04 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:07:07 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 6 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:07:07 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:07:07 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:07:11 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 6 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:07:11 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:07:11 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:07:14 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 6. Current turn in db: 6
// Executing singleton of card 11 at 2,2
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-std-111222642' );
display_attack( 'singleton-std-111222642', 1, 11, 2, 2, 2, 6, 4, 2, 'down', 'hps', 26 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 26, 4, 2 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_6', '11' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:07:14 AM [play_card_voice]
Playing card sound crypto-dev.warcry / card_voices.soldiers.crypto-dev.warcry.i0

8/23/2023, 11:07:14 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:07:15 AM [ui_commands]
Init hit points onscreen reducer
Initializing onscreen reducer on card 2:6 at 4,2 ~ 67 HPs - 26 := 41 (in chunks of 1.3 HPs)

8/23/2023, 11:07:16 AM [ui_commands]
Update card life
Updating life of card 6 of player 2 at 4,2 from 67 to 41 (damage: 26)

8/23/2023, 11:07:17 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 6. Current turn in db: 6
// Executing singleton of card 11 at 2,2
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-std-111222642' );
display_attack( 'singleton-std-111222642', 1, 11, 2, 2, 2, 6, 4, 2, 'down', 'hps', 26 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 26, 4, 2 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_6', '11' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:07:17 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:07:20 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 6. Current turn in db: 6
// Executing singleton of card 11 at 2,2
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-std-111222642' );
display_attack( 'singleton-std-111222642', 1, 11, 2, 2, 2, 6, 4, 2, 'down', 'hps', 26 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 26, 4, 2 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_6', '11' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands
// Declaring new turn
set_current_turn( 7 );
set_playing_turn_owner( 2 );
block_all_players_but( 2 );
add_nodes_to_player( 'addnodes-rc6h9hfj8cge7wwp', 2, 1 );
add_card_to_hand( 2, 8 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 2 );
// Complementing commands

8/23/2023, 11:07:20 AM [ui_commands]
Set current turn
Current turn set to 7

8/23/2023, 11:07:20 AM [___cleanup_leftover_anims]
Leftover anims cleaned

8/23/2023, 11:07:20 AM [ui_commands]
Set playing turn owner
Playing turn owner set to 2

8/23/2023, 11:07:20 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.start_turn_timer]
Turn timer started

8/23/2023, 11:07:20 AM [ui_commands]
Block all players but...
Blocking all players but 2

8/23/2023, 11:07:20 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.rebind_board_cards]
Rebinding all board cards of player 2

8/23/2023, 11:07:20 AM [block_all_players_but]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:07:20 AM [ui_commands]
Add nodes to player
Player 2 nodes count updated from 2 to 3

8/23/2023, 11:07:20 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.move_card_from_out_hand_to_in_hand]
Taking card out
Cards out hand updated from [2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] to [2,4,5,6,7,9,10]

8/23/2023, 11:07:20 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.move_card_from_out_hand_to_in_hand]
Putting card in
Cards in hand updated from [11] to [11,8]

8/23/2023, 11:07:20 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 2

8/23/2023, 11:07:20 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:07:46 AM [ui_commands]
Pass turn
Manual turn pass invoked

8/23/2023, 11:07:46 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.stop_turn_timer]
Turn timer stopped

8/23/2023, 11:07:46 AM [pass_turn]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:07:46 AM [pass_turn]
Board view unblocked

8/23/2023, 11:07:46 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
notify_after_pass( 'notif-hrpe5udkyhkn', 2, 2 )
// Declaring new turn
set_current_turn( 8 );
set_playing_turn_owner( 1 );
block_all_players_but( 1 );
add_nodes_to_player( 'addnodes-dnr5krjd2u5w266u', 1, 1 );
add_card_to_hand( 1, 3 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:07:46 AM [ui_commands]
Set current turn
Current turn set to 8

8/23/2023, 11:07:46 AM [___cleanup_leftover_anims]
Leftover anims cleaned

8/23/2023, 11:07:46 AM [ui_commands]
Set playing turn owner
Playing turn owner set to 1

8/23/2023, 11:07:46 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.stop_turn_timer]
Turn timer stopped

8/23/2023, 11:07:46 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.clear_turn_timer]
Turn timer cleared

8/23/2023, 11:07:46 AM [ui_commands]
Block all players but...
Blocking all players but 1

8/23/2023, 11:07:46 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.rebind_board_cards]
Rebinding all board cards of player 1

8/23/2023, 11:07:46 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:07:49 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 8 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:07:49 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:07:49 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:07:52 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 8. Current turn in db: 8
// Executing singleton of card 11 at 2,2
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-std-111222642' );
display_attack( 'singleton-std-111222642', 1, 11, 2, 2, 2, 6, 4, 2, 'down', 'hps', 26 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 26, 4, 2 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_8', '11' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:07:52 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:07:55 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 8. Current turn in db: 8
// Executing singleton of card 11 at 2,2
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-std-111222642' );
display_attack( 'singleton-std-111222642', 1, 11, 2, 2, 2, 6, 4, 2, 'down', 'hps', 26 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 26, 4, 2 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_8', '11' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:07:55 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:07:58 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 8. Current turn in db: 8
// Executing singleton of card 11 at 2,2
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-std-111222642' );
display_attack( 'singleton-std-111222642', 1, 11, 2, 2, 2, 6, 4, 2, 'down', 'hps', 26 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 26, 4, 2 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_8', '11' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:07:58 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:08:01 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 8. Current turn in db: 8
// Executing singleton of card 11 at 2,2
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-std-111222642' );
display_attack( 'singleton-std-111222642', 1, 11, 2, 2, 2, 6, 4, 2, 'down', 'hps', 26 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 26, 4, 2 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_8', '11' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:08:01 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:08:04 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 8. Current turn in db: 8
// Executing singleton of card 11 at 2,2
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-std-111222642' );
display_attack( 'singleton-std-111222642', 1, 11, 2, 2, 2, 6, 4, 2, 'down', 'hps', 26 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 26, 4, 2 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_8', '11' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:08:04 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:08:07 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 8. Current turn in db: 8
// Executing singleton of card 11 at 2,2
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-std-111222642' );
display_attack( 'singleton-std-111222642', 1, 11, 2, 2, 2, 6, 4, 2, 'down', 'hps', 26 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 26, 4, 2 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_8', '11' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:08:07 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:08:10 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 8. Current turn in db: 8
// Executing singleton of card 11 at 2,2
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-std-111222642' );
display_attack( 'singleton-std-111222642', 1, 11, 2, 2, 2, 6, 4, 2, 'down', 'hps', 26 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 26, 4, 2 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_8', '11' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:08:10 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:08:13 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 8. Current turn in db: 8
// Executing singleton of card 11 at 2,2
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-std-111222642' );
display_attack( 'singleton-std-111222642', 1, 11, 2, 2, 2, 6, 4, 2, 'down', 'hps', 26 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 26, 4, 2 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_8', '11' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:08:13 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:08:16 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 8. Currentturn in db: 8
// Executing singleton of card 11 at 2,2
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-std-111222642' );
display_attack( 'singleton-std-111222642', 1, 11, 2, 2, 2, 6, 4, 2, 'down', 'hps', 26 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 26, 4, 2 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_8', '11' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands
// Declaring new turn
set_current_turn( 9 );
set_playing_turn_owner( 2 );
block_all_players_but( 2 );
add_nodes_to_player( 'addnodes-m6ayq365iqumkz92', 2, 1 );
add_card_to_hand( 2, 9 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 2 );
// Complementing commands

8/23/2023, 11:08:16 AM [ui_commands]
Set current turn
Current turn set to 9

8/23/2023, 11:08:16 AM [___cleanup_leftover_anims]
Leftover anims cleaned

8/23/2023, 11:08:16 AM [ui_commands]
Set playing turn owner
Playing turn owner set to 2

8/23/2023, 11:08:16 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.start_turn_timer]
Turn timer started

8/23/2023, 11:08:16 AM [ui_commands]
Block all players but...
Blocking all players but 2

8/23/2023, 11:08:16 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.rebind_board_cards]
Rebinding all board cards of player 2

8/23/2023, 11:08:16 AM [block_all_players_but]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:08:16 AM [ui_commands]
Add nodes to player
Player 2 nodes count updated from 3 to 4

8/23/2023, 11:08:16 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.move_card_from_out_hand_to_in_hand]
Taking card out
Cards out hand updated from [2,4,5,6,7,9,10] to [2,4,5,6,7,10]

8/23/2023, 11:08:16 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.move_card_from_out_hand_to_in_hand]
Putting card in
Cards in hand updated from [11,8] to [11,8,9]

8/23/2023, 11:08:16 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 2

8/23/2023, 11:08:16 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:08:19 AM [app.battle_engine.chat.stop_listener]
Battle chat listener stopped

8/23/2023, 11:08:19 AM [app.battle_engine.chat.resume_listener]
Battle chat listener started

8/23/2023, 11:08:19 AM [app.battle_engine.chat.get_messages]
Incoming battle chat messages rendered.

8/23/2023, 11:08:37 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__prepare_card_in_display_area]
Dragging card #11 started

8/23/2023, 11:08:38 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__card_dropped]
Card #11 dropped on slot 3,2

8/23/2023, 11:08:38 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__remove_card_from_hand]
Cards in hand updated from [11,8,9] to [11,8]

8/23/2023, 11:08:38 AM [ui_commands]
Place player card in board
Card 11 from player 2 placed on 3,2

8/23/2023, 11:08:38 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__card_dropped]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:08:39 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__card_placement_confirmed]
Board view unblocked

8/23/2023, 11:08:39 AM [play_card_voice]
Playing card sound crypto-miner.placement / card_voices.soldiers.crypto-miner.placement.i3

8/23/2023, 11:08:39 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
update_user_card_snapshot( 2, 11, {...} );
clear_module( 'place-21132-305', 3, 2 );
place_player_card_in_board( 3, 2, 2, 11, 'Crypto Miner', '0', '27.000', '1.000', '0.000', '0' );
put_card_to_sleep( 3, 2 );
prevent_player_placing_more_cards( 2, 11 );
deduct_nodes_from_player( 2, 1.000 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 2 );
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:08:39 AM [ui_commands]
Clear module
Module 3,2 cleared

8/23/2023, 11:08:39 AM [ui_commands]
Place player card in board
Card 11 from player 2 placed on 3,2

8/23/2023, 11:08:39 AM [ui_commands]
Put card to sleep
Putting to sleep to card at 3,2

8/23/2023, 11:08:39 AM [ui_commands]
Deduct nodes from player
Player 2 nodes count updated from 4 to 3

8/23/2023, 11:08:39 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 2

8/23/2023, 11:08:40 AM [ui_commands]
Conclude turn
Manual turn conclusion triggered

8/23/2023, 11:08:40 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.stop_turn_timer]
Turn timer stopped

8/23/2023, 11:08:40 AM [conclude_turn]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:08:41 AM [conclude_turn]
Board view unblocked

8/23/2023, 11:08:41 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Declaring new turn
set_current_turn( 10 );
set_playing_turn_owner( 1 );
block_all_players_but( 1 );
add_nodes_to_player( 'addnodes-n69fyqaaqbscwy9s', 1, 1 );
add_card_to_hand( 1, 2 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );
// Complementing commands

8/23/2023, 11:08:41 AM [ui_commands]
Set current turn
Current turn set to 10

8/23/2023, 11:08:41 AM [___cleanup_leftover_anims]
Leftover anims cleaned

8/23/2023, 11:08:41 AM [ui_commands]
Set playing turn owner
Playing turn owner set to 1

8/23/2023, 11:08:41 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.stop_turn_timer]
Turn timer stopped

8/23/2023, 11:08:41 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.clear_turn_timer]
Turn timer cleared

8/23/2023, 11:08:41 AM [ui_commands]
Block all players but...
Blocking all players but 1

8/23/2023, 11:08:41 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.rebind_board_cards]
Rebinding all board cards of player 1

8/23/2023, 11:08:41 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:08:44 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 10 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:08:44 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:08:44 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023,11:08:47 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 10 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:08:47 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:08:47 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:08:50 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 10. Current turn in db: 10
// Executing singleton of card 6 at 1,2
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-ful-161221132' );
display_attack( 'singleton-ful-161221132', 1, 6, 1, 2, 2, 11, 3, 2, 'down', 'hps', 27.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 27.000, 3, 2 );
send_to_chamber( 'singleton-ful-161221132', 3, 2, 11, 2, 'attack' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'singleton-ful-161221132', 1, 1 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_10', '6' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:08:50 AM [play_card_voice]
Playing card sound fomo.warcry / card_voices.soldiers.fomo.warcry.i0

8/23/2023, 11:08:50 AM [ui_commands]
Send to chamber
Moving card 11 from player 2 located at 3,2 to chamber

8/23/2023, 11:08:50 AM[app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:08:51 AM [ui_commands]
Init hit points onscreen reducer
Initializing onscreen reducer on card 2:11 at 3,2 ~ 27 HPs - 27 := 0 (in chunks of 1.35 HPs)

8/23/2023, 11:08:52 AM [ui_commands]
Update card life
Updating life of card 11 of player 2 at 3,2 from 27 to 0 (damage: 27)

8/23/2023, 11:08:53 AM [ui_commands]
Clear module
Module 3,2 cleared

8/23/2023, 11:08:53 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 10. Current turn in db: 10
// Executing singleton of card 6 at 1,2
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-ful-161221132' );
display_attack( 'singleton-ful-161221132', 1, 6, 1, 2, 2, 11, 3, 2, 'down', 'hps', 27.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 27.000, 3, 2 );
send_to_chamber( 'singleton-ful-161221132', 3, 2, 11, 2, 'attack' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'singleton-ful-161221132', 1, 1 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_10', '6' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:08:53 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:08:53 AM [ui_commands]
Updateuser chamber (1/3)
Card 11 from player 2 added to internal chamber collection.

8/23/2023, 11:08:53 AM [ui_commands]
Update user chamber (2/3)
Player 1 chamber contents: []

8/23/2023, 11:08:53 AM [ui_commands]
Update user chamber (3/3)
Player 2 chamber contents: [11]

8/23/2023, 11:08:53 AM [___cleanup_leftover_anims]
Leftover anims cleaned

8/23/2023, 11:08:56 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 10. Current turn in db: 10
// Executing singleton of card 6at 1,2
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-ful-161221132' );
display_attack( 'singleton-ful-161221132', 1, 6, 1, 2, 2, 11, 3, 2, 'down', 'hps', 27.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 27.000, 3, 2 );
send_to_chamber( 'singleton-ful-161221132', 3, 2, 11, 2, 'attack' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'singleton-ful-161221132', 1, 1 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_10', '6' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands
// Declaring new turn
set_current_turn( 11 );
set_playing_turn_owner( 2 );
block_all_players_but( 2 );
add_nodes_to_player( 'addnodes-7xg9akudc3mumyxc', 2, 1 );
add_card_to_hand( 2, 4 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 2 );
// Complementing commands

8/23/2023, 11:08:56 AM [ui_commands]
Set current turn
Current turn set to 11

8/23/2023, 11:08:56 AM [___cleanup_leftover_anims]
Leftover anims cleaned

8/23/2023, 11:08:56 AM [ui_commands]
Set playing turn owner
Playing turn owner set to 2

8/23/2023, 11:08:56 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.start_turn_timer]
Turn timer started

8/23/2023, 11:08:56 AM [ui_commands]
Block all players but...
Blocking all players but 2

8/23/2023, 11:08:56 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.rebind_board_cards]
Rebinding all board cards of player 2

8/23/2023, 11:08:56 AM [block_all_players_but]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:08:56 AM [ui_commands]
Add nodes to player
Player 2 nodes count updated from 3 to 4

8/23/2023, 11:08:56 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.move_card_from_out_hand_to_in_hand]
Taking card out
Cards out hand updated from [2,4,5,6,7,10] to [2,5,6,7,10]

8/23/2023, 11:08:56 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.move_card_from_out_hand_to_in_hand]
Putting card in
Cards in hand updated from [11,8] to [11,8,4]

8/23/2023, 11:08:56 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 2

8/23/2023, 11:08:56 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:09:00 AM [app.battle_engine.chat.stop_listener]
Battle chat listener stopped

8/23/2023, 11:09:01 AM [app.battle_engine.chat.resume_listener]
Battle chat listener started

8/23/2023, 11:09:01 AM [app.battle_engine.chat.get_messages]
Incoming battle chat messages rendered.

8/23/2023, 11:09:08 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__prepare_card_in_display_area]
Dragging card #4 started

8/23/2023, 11:09:09 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__card_dropped]
Card #4 dropped on slot 3,1

8/23/2023, 11:09:09 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__remove_card_from_hand]
Cards in hand updated from [11,8,4] to [11,8]

8/23/2023, 11:09:09 AM [ui_commands]
Place player card in board
Card 4 from player 2 placed on 3,1

8/23/2023, 11:09:09 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__card_dropped]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:09:10 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__card_placement_confirmed]
Board view unblocked

8/23/2023, 11:09:10 AM [play_card_voice]
Playing card sound mr-bureau.placement / card_voices.generals.mr-bureau.placement.i3

8/23/2023, 11:09:10 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
update_user_card_snapshot( 2, 4, {...} );
clear_module( 'place-2431-165', 3, 1 );
place_player_card_in_board( 3, 1, 2, 4, 'Mr. Bureau', '0', '94.000', '3.000', '0.000', '0' );
put_card_to_sleep( 3, 1 );
prevent_player_placing_more_cards( 2, 4 );
deduct_nodes_from_player( 2, 3.000 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 2 );
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:09:10 AM [ui_commands]
Clear module
Module 3,1 cleared

8/23/2023, 11:09:10 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__remove_card_from_hand]
Cards in hand updated from [11,8] to [11]

8/23/2023, 11:09:10 AM [ui_commands]
Place player card in board
Card 4 from player 2 placed on 3,1

8/23/2023, 11:09:10 AM [ui_commands]
Put card to sleep
Putting to sleep to card at 3,1

8/23/2023, 11:09:10 AM [ui_commands]
Deduct nodes from player
Player 2 nodes count updated from 4 to 1

8/23/2023, 11:09:10 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 2

8/23/2023, 11:09:12 AM [ui_commands]
Conclude turn
Manual turn conclusion triggered

8/23/2023, 11:09:12 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.stop_turn_timer]
Turn timer stopped

8/23/2023, 11:09:12 AM [conclude_turn]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:09:12 AM [conclude_turn]
Board view unblocked

8/23/2023, 11:09:12 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Declaring new turn
set_current_turn( 12 );
set_playing_turn_owner( 1 );
block_all_players_but( 1 );
add_nodes_to_player( 'addnodes-td5ajndikqj86thn', 1, 1 );
notify_hand_full( 1, 2 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );
// Complementing commands

8/23/2023, 11:09:12 AM [ui_commands]
Set current turn
Current turn set to 12

8/23/2023, 11:09:12 AM [___cleanup_leftover_anims]
Leftover anims cleaned

8/23/2023, 11:09:12 AM [ui_commands]
Set playing turn owner
Playing turn owner set to 1

8/23/2023, 11:09:12 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.stop_turn_timer]
Turn timer stopped

8/23/2023, 11:09:12 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.clear_turn_timer]
Turn timer cleared

8/23/2023, 11:09:12 AM [ui_commands]
Block all players but...
Blocking all players but 1

8/23/2023, 11:09:12 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.rebind_board_cards]
Rebinding all board cards of player 1

8/23/2023, 11:09:12 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:09:15 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 12 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:09:15 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:09:15 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:09:18 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 12 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:09:18 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:09:18 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:09:21 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 12 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:09:21 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:09:21 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:09:25 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 12not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:09:25 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:09:25 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:09:28 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 12 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:09:28 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:09:28 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:09:31 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 12 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:09:31 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:09:31 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:09:34 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 12 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:09:34 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:09:34 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:09:37 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 12 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:09:37 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:09:37 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:09:41 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 12. Current turn in db: 12
// Executing singleton of card 11 at 2,2
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-ful-111222642' );
display_attack( 'singleton-ful-111222642', 1, 11, 2, 2, 2, 6, 4, 2, 'down', 'hps', 15.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 15.000, 4, 2 );
send_to_chamber( 'singleton-ful-111222642', 4, 2, 6, 2, 'attack' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'singleton-ful-111222642', 1, 1 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_12', '11' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:09:41 AM [play_card_voice]
Playing card sound crypto-dev.warcry / card_voices.soldiers.crypto-dev.warcry.i0

8/23/2023, 11:09:41 AM [ui_commands]
Send to chamber
Moving card 6 from player 2 located at 4,2 to chamber

8/23/2023, 11:09:41 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:09:42 AM [ui_commands]
Init hit points onscreen reducer
Initializing onscreen reducer on card 2:6 at 4,2 ~ 41 HPs - 15 := 26 (in chunks of 0.75 HPs)

8/23/2023, 11:09:43 AM [ui_commands]
Update card life
Updating life of card 6 of player 2 at 4,2 from 41 to 26 (damage: 15)

8/23/2023, 11:09:43 AM [ui_commands]
Clear module
Module 4,2 cleared

8/23/2023, 11:09:44 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 12. Current turn in db: 12
// Executing singleton of card 11 at 2,2
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-ful-111222642' );
display_attack( 'singleton-ful-111222642', 1, 11, 2, 2, 2, 6, 4, 2, 'down', 'hps', 15.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 15.000, 4, 2 );
send_to_chamber( 'singleton-ful-111222642', 4, 2, 6, 2, 'attack' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'singleton-ful-111222642', 1, 1 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_12', '11' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:09:44 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:09:44 AM [ui_commands]
Update user chamber (1/3)
Card 6 from player 2 added to internal chamber collection.

8/23/2023, 11:09:44 AM [ui_commands]
Update user chamber (2/3)
Player 1 chamber contents: []

8/23/2023, 11:09:44 AM [ui_commands]
Update user chamber (3/3)
Player 2 chamber contents: [11,6]

8/23/2023, 11:09:44 AM [___cleanup_leftover_anims]
Leftover anims cleaned

8/23/2023, 11:09:47 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 12. Current turn in db: 12
// Executing singleton of card 11 at 2,2
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-ful-111222642' );
display_attack( 'singleton-ful-111222642', 1, 11, 2, 2, 2, 6, 4, 2, 'down', 'hps', 15.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 15.000, 4, 2 );
send_to_chamber( 'singleton-ful-111222642', 4, 2, 6, 2, 'attack' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'singleton-ful-111222642', 1, 1 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_12', '11' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands
// Declaring new turn
set_current_turn( 13 );
set_playing_turn_owner( 2 );
block_all_players_but( 2 );
add_nodes_to_player( 'addnodes-9if5753952n4ex2q', 2, 1 );
add_card_to_hand( 2, 10 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 2 );
// Complementing commands

8/23/2023, 11:09:47 AM [ui_commands]
Set current turn
Current turn set to 13

8/23/2023, 11:09:47 AM [___cleanup_leftover_anims]
Leftover anims cleaned

8/23/2023, 11:09:47 AM [ui_commands]
Set playing turn owner
Playing turn owner set to 2

8/23/2023, 11:09:47 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.start_turn_timer]
Turn timer started

8/23/2023, 11:09:47 AM [ui_commands]
Awaken sleeping cards
Awakened card at 3,1

8/23/2023, 11:09:47 AM [ui_commands]
Block all players but...
Blocking all players but 2

8/23/2023, 11:09:47 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.rebind_board_cards]
Rebinding all board cards of player 2

8/23/2023, 11:09:47 AM [block_all_players_but]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:09:47 AM [ui_commands]
Add nodes to player
Player 2 nodes count updated from 1 to 2

8/23/2023, 11:09:47 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.move_card_from_out_hand_to_in_hand]
Taking card out
Cards out hand updated from [2,5,6,7,10] to [2,5,6,7]

8/23/2023, 11:09:47 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.move_card_from_out_hand_to_in_hand]
Putting card in
Cards in hand updated from [11] to [11,10]

8/23/2023, 11:09:47 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 2

8/23/2023, 11:09:47 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:09:48 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__oponent_card_clicked]
Going to attack to player 1 card 12 located at 1,1 from my card 4 located at 3,1
target sides: downright, left, right - source sides: up, down
target at: up - source at: down
suggested action: autoflip

8/23/2023, 11:09:48 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__oponent_card_clicked]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:09:48 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Executing singleton of card 4 at 3,1
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-ful-243111211' );
display_attack( 'singleton-ful-243111211', 2, 4, 3, 1, 1, 12, 1, 1, 'up', 'hps', 60.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 60.000, 1, 1 );
send_to_chamber( 'singleton-ful-243111211', 1, 1, 12, 1, 'attack' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'singleton-ful-243111211', 2, 1 );
set_match_meta( 'player_2_has_MoA_on_turn_13', '4' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:09:48 AM [play_card_voice]
Playing card sound mr-bureau.warcry / card_voices.generals.mr-bureau.warcry.i0

8/23/2023, 11:09:48 AM [ui_commands]
Send to chamber
Moving card 12 from player 1 located at 1,1 to chamber

8/23/2023, 11:09:48 AM [ui_commands]
Add nodes to player
Player 2 nodes count updated from 2 to 3

8/23/2023, 11:09:49 AM [ui_commands]
Init hit points onscreen reducer
Initializing onscreen reducer on card 1:12 at 1,1 ~ 60 HPs - 60 := 0 (in chunks of 3 HPs)

8/23/2023, 11:09:50 AM [ui_commands]
Update card life
Updating life of card 12 of player 1 at 1,1 from 60 to 0 (damage: 60)

8/23/2023, 11:09:51 AM [ui_commands]
Clear module
Module 1,1 cleared

8/23/2023, 11:09:51 AM [send_to_chamber]
Board view unblocked

8/23/2023, 11:09:51 AM [ui_commands]
Update user chamber (1/3)
Card 12 from player 1 added to internal chamber collection.

8/23/2023, 11:09:51 AM [ui_commands]
Update user chamber (2/3)
Player 1 chamber contents: [12]

8/23/2023, 11:09:51 AM [ui_commands]
Update user chamber (3/3)
Player 2 chamber contents: [11,6]

8/23/2023, 11:09:51 AM [___cleanup_leftover_anims]
Leftover anims cleaned

8/23/2023, 11:09:57 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__prepare_card_in_display_area]
Dragging card #1 started

8/23/2023, 11:09:59 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__card_dropped]
Card #1 dropped on slot 1,1

8/23/2023, 11:09:59 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__remove_card_from_hand]
Cards in hand updated from [11,10] to [11]

8/23/2023, 11:09:59 AM [ui_commands]
Place player card in board
Card 1 from player 2 placed on 1,1

8/23/2023, 11:09:59 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__card_dropped]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:10:00 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__card_placement_confirmed]
Board view unblocked

8/23/2023, 11:10:00 AM [play_card_voice]
Playing card sound andrenopoulos.placement / card_voices.generals.andrenopoulos.placement.i3

8/23/2023, 11:10:00 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
update_user_card_snapshot( 2, 1, {...} );
clear_module( 'place-2111-127', 1, 1 );
place_player_card_in_board( 1, 1, 2, 1, 'Andrenopoulos', '0', '86.000', '3.000', '0.000', '0' );
put_card_to_sleep( 1, 1 );
prevent_player_placing_more_cards( 2, 1 );
deduct_nodes_from_player( 2, 3.000 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 2 );
// Complementing commands

8/23/2023, 11:10:00 AM [ui_commands]
Clear module
Module 1,1 cleared

8/23/2023, 11:10:00 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__remove_card_from_hand]
Cards in hand updated from [11] to []

8/23/2023, 11:10:00 AM [ui_commands]
Place player card in board
Card 1 from player 2 placed on 1,1

8/23/2023, 11:10:00 AM [ui_commands]
Put card to sleep
Putting to sleep to card at 1,1

8/23/2023, 11:10:00 AM [ui_commands]
Deduct nodes from player
Player 2 nodes count updated from 3 to 0

8/23/2023, 11:10:00 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 2

8/23/2023, 11:10:17 AM [ui_commands]
Conclude turn
Manual turn conclusion triggered

8/23/2023, 11:10:17 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.stop_turn_timer]
Turn timer stopped

8/23/2023, 11:10:17 AM [conclude_turn]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:10:17 AM [conclude_turn]
Board view unblocked

8/23/2023, 11:10:17 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Declaring new turn
set_current_turn( 14 );
set_playing_turn_owner( 1 );
block_all_players_but( 1 );
add_nodes_to_player( 'addnodes-4gw5gj6k3gzhreyp', 1, 1 );
notify_hand_full( 1, 2 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );
// Complementing commands

8/23/2023, 11:10:17 AM [ui_commands]
Set current turn
Current turn set to 14

8/23/2023, 11:10:17 AM [___cleanup_leftover_anims]
Leftover anims cleaned

8/23/2023, 11:10:17 AM [ui_commands]
Set playing turn owner
Playing turn owner set to 1

8/23/2023, 11:10:17 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.stop_turn_timer]
Turn timer stopped

8/23/2023, 11:10:17 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.clear_turn_timer]
Turn timer cleared

8/23/2023, 11:10:17 AM [ui_commands]
Block all players but...
Blocking all players but 1

8/23/2023, 11:10:17 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.rebind_board_cards]
Rebinding all board cards of player 1

8/23/2023, 11:10:17 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:10:20 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 14. Current turn in db: 14
move_card( 1, 6, 1, 2, '3', '2' );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_14', '6' );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:10:20 AM [ui_commands]
Move card
Moving card 6 of player 1 from 1,2 to 3,2

8/23/2023, 11:10:20 AM [ui_commands]
Clear module
Module 1,2 cleared

8/23/2023, 11:10:20 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enablingturn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:10:20 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:10:24 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 14. Current turn in db: 14
move_card( 1, 6, 1, 2, '3', '2' );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_14', '6' );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:10:24 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:10:24 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:10:27 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 14. Current turn in db: 14
move_card( 1, 6, 1, 2, '3', '2' );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_14', '6' );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );
// Adding commands
// Declaring new turn
set_current_turn( 15 );
set_playing_turn_owner( 2 );
block_all_players_but( 2 );
add_nodes_to_player( 'addnodes-mznj5ea8yiqpq69r', 2, 1 );
notify_all_cards_used( 2 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 2 );
// Complementing commands

8/23/2023, 11:10:27 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:10:27 AM [ui_commands]
Set current turn
Current turn set to 15

8/23/2023, 11:10:27 AM [___cleanup_leftover_anims]
Leftover anims cleaned

8/23/2023, 11:10:27 AM [ui_commands]
Set playing turn owner
Playing turn owner set to 2

8/23/2023, 11:10:27 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.start_turn_timer]
Turn timer started

8/23/2023, 11:10:27 AM [ui_commands]
Awaken sleeping cards
Awakened card at 1,1

8/23/2023, 11:10:27 AM [ui_commands]
Block all players but...
Blocking all players but 2

8/23/2023, 11:10:27 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.rebind_board_cards]
Rebinding all board cards of player 2

8/23/2023, 11:10:27 AM [block_all_players_but]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:10:27 AM [ui_commands]
Add nodes to player
Player 2 nodes count updated from 0 to 1

8/23/2023, 11:10:27 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 2

8/23/2023, 11:10:27 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:10:46 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__oponent_card_clicked]
Going to attack to player 1 card 6 located at 3,2 from my card 12 located at 5,2
target sides: upright, down, up - source sides: up, downright, upright
target at: up - source at: down
suggested action: hit

8/23/2023, 11:10:46 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__oponent_card_clicked]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:10:47 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Executing hit by 2:12 at 5,2
// [+] Starting hit #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'attack-212521632' );
display_attack( 'attack-212521632', 2, 12, 5, 2, 1, 6, 3, 2, 'up', 'hps', 76.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 76.000, 3, 2 );
display_counter_attack( 'attack-212521632', 2, 12, 5, 2, 'down', 1, 6, 3, 2, 'hps', 63.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 63.000, 5, 2 );
// #attack-212521632 results: TIE with dual kills
send_to_chamber( 'attack-212521632-d1', 3, 2, 6, 1, 'counter' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'attack-212521632', 2, 1 );
set_match_meta( 'player_2_has_MoA_on_turn_', '12' );
send_to_chamber( 'attack-212521632-d2', 5, 2, 12, 2, 'counter' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'attack-212521632', 1, 1 );
// [-] Finished hit #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:10:47 AM [play_card_voice]
Playing card sound crypto-whale.warcry / card_voices.soldiers.crypto-whale.warcry.i0

8/23/2023, 11:10:47 AM [ui_commands]
Send to chamber
Moving card 6 from player 1 located at 3,2 to chamber

8/23/2023, 11:10:47 AM [ui_commands]
Add nodes to player
Player 2 nodes count updated from 1 to 2

8/23/2023, 11:10:47 AM [ui_commands]
Send to chamber
Moving card 12 from player 2 located at 5,2 to chamber

8/23/2023, 11:10:48 AM [ui_commands]
Init hit points onscreen reducer
Initializing onscreen reducer on card 1:6 at 3,2 ~ 76 HPs - 76 := 0 (in chunks of 3.8 HPs)

8/23/2023, 11:10:49 AM [play_card_voice]
Playing card sound fomo.warcry / card_voices.soldiers.fomo.warcry.i0

8/23/2023, 11:10:49 AM [ui_commands]
Update card life
Updating life of card 6 of player 1 at 3,2 from 76 to 0 (damage: 76)

8/23/2023, 11:10:50 AM [ui_commands]
Init hit points onscreen reducer
Initializing onscreen reducer on card 2:12 at 5,2 ~ 63 HPs - 63 := 0 (in chunks of 3.15 HPs)

8/23/2023, 11:10:51 AM [ui_commands]
Update card life
Updating life of card 12 of player 2 at 5,2 from 63 to 0 (damage: 63)

8/23/2023, 11:10:52 AM [ui_commands]
Clear module
Module 3,2 cleared

8/23/2023, 11:10:52 AM [ui_commands]
Clear module
Module 5,2 cleared

8/23/2023, 11:10:52 AM [send_to_chamber]
Board view unblocked

8/23/2023, 11:10:52 AM [ui_commands]
Update user chamber (1/3)
Card 6 from player 1 added to internal chamber collection.

8/23/2023, 11:10:52 AM [ui_commands]
Update user chamber (2/3)
Player 1 chamber contents: [12,6]

8/23/2023, 11:10:52 AM [ui_commands]
Update user chamber (3/3)
Player 2 chamber contents: [11,6]

8/23/2023, 11:10:52 AM [___cleanup_leftover_anims]
Leftover anims cleaned

8/23/2023, 11:10:53 AM [send_to_chamber]
Board view unblocked

8/23/2023, 11:10:53 AM [ui_commands]
Update user chamber (1/3)
Card 12 from player 2 added to internal chamber collection.

8/23/2023, 11:10:53 AM [ui_commands]
Update user chamber (2/3)
Player 1 chamber contents: [12,6]

8/23/2023, 11:10:53 AM [ui_commands]
Update user chamber (3/3)
Player 2 chamber contents: [11,6,12]

8/23/2023, 11:10:53 AM [___cleanup_leftover_anims]
Leftover anims cleaned

8/23/2023, 11:11:02 AM [ui_commands]
Conclude turn
Manual turn conclusion triggered

8/23/2023, 11:11:02 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.stop_turn_timer]
Turn timer stopped

8/23/2023, 11:11:02 AM [conclude_turn]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:11:02 AM [conclude_turn]
Board view unblocked

8/23/2023, 11:11:02 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Declaring new turn
set_current_turn( 16 );
set_playing_turn_owner( 1 );
block_all_players_but( 1 );
add_nodes_to_player( 'addnodes-hg3med8zd3skq74y', 1, 1 );
notify_hand_full( 1, 2 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );
// Complementing commands

8/23/2023, 11:11:02 AM [ui_commands]
Set current turn
Current turn set to 16

8/23/2023, 11:11:02 AM [___cleanup_leftover_anims]
Leftover anims cleaned

8/23/2023, 11:11:02 AM [ui_commands]
Set playing turn owner
Playing turn owner set to 1

8/23/2023, 11:11:02 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.stop_turn_timer]
Turn timer stopped

8/23/2023, 11:11:02 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.clear_turn_timer]
Turn timer cleared

8/23/2023, 11:11:02 AM [ui_commands]
Block all players but...
Blocking all players but 1

8/23/2023, 11:11:02 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.rebind_board_cards]
Rebinding all board cards of player 1

8/23/2023, 11:11:02 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:11:05 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 16 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:11:05 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:11:05 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:11:08 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 16 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:11:08 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turnlistener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:11:08 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:11:11 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 16 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:11:11 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:11:11 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:11:14 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 16 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:11:14 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:11:14 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:11:18 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 16 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:11:18 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:11:18 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:11:21 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 16 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:11:21 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:11:21 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:11:24 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 16. Current turn in db: 16
update_user_card_snapshot( 1, 7, {...} );
clear_module( 'place-1752-412', 5, 2 );
place_player_card_in_board( 5, 2, 1, 7, 'Shark Cuban', '0', '86.000', '3.000', '0.000', '0' );
put_card_to_sleep( 5, 2 );
prevent_player_placing_more_cards( 1, 7 );
deduct_nodes_from_player( 1, 3.000 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:11:24 AM [ui_commands]
Update user card snapshot
Updating snapshot for card 7 of player 1

8/23/2023, 11:11:24 AM [ui_commands]
Clear module
Module 5,2 cleared

8/23/2023, 11:11:24 AM [play_card_voice]
Playing card sound shark-cuban.placement / card_voices.generals.shark-cuban.placement.i3

8/23/2023, 11:11:24 AM [ui_commands]
Place player card in board
Card 7 from player 1 placed on 5,2

8/23/2023, 11:11:24 AM [ui_commands]
Put card to sleep
Putting to sleep to card at 5,2

8/23/2023, 11:11:24 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:11:24 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:11:27 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 16. Current turn in db: 16
update_user_card_snapshot( 1, 7, {...} );
clear_module( 'place-1752-412', 5, 2 );
place_player_card_in_board( 5, 2, 1, 7, 'Shark Cuban', '0', '86.000', '3.000', '0.000', '0' );
put_card_to_sleep( 5, 2 );
prevent_player_placing_more_cards( 1, 7 );
deduct_nodes_from_player( 1, 3.000 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );
// Adding commands
// Declaring new turn
set_current_turn( 17 );
set_playing_turn_owner( 2 );
block_all_players_but( 2 );
add_nodes_to_player( 'addnodes-a8xa8tcmfh6ie8uy', 2, 1 );
notify_all_cards_used( 2 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 2 );
// Complementing commands

8/23/2023, 11:11:27 AM [ui_commands]
Update user card snapshot
Updating snapshot for card 7 of player 1

8/23/2023, 11:11:27 AM [ui_commands]
Put card to sleep
Putting to sleep to card at 5,2

8/23/2023, 11:11:27 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:11:27 AM [ui_commands]
Set current turn
Current turn set to 17

8/23/2023, 11:11:27 AM [___cleanup_leftover_anims]
Leftover anims cleaned

8/23/2023, 11:11:27 AM [ui_commands]
Set playing turn owner
Playing turn owner set to 2

8/23/2023, 11:11:27 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.start_turn_timer]
Turn timer started

8/23/2023, 11:11:27 AM [ui_commands]
Block all players but...
Blocking all players but 2

8/23/2023, 11:11:27 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.rebind_board_cards]
Rebinding all board cards of player 2

8/23/2023, 11:11:27 AM [block_all_players_but]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:11:27 AM [ui_commands]
Add nodes to player
Player 2 nodes count updated from 2 to 3

8/23/2023, 11:11:27 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 2

8/23/2023, 11:11:27 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:11:41 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__oponent_card_clicked]
Going to attack to player 1 card 7 located at 5,2 from my card 5 located at 5,3
target sides: right, left - source sides: up, left, downright
target at: left - source at: right
suggested action: hit

8/23/2023, 11:11:41 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__oponent_card_clicked]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:11:41 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Executing hit by 2:5 at 5,3
// [+] Starting hit #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'attack-25531752' );
display_attack( 'attack-25531752', 2, 5, 5, 3, 1, 7, 5, 2, 'left', 'hps', 67 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 67, 5, 2 );
display_counter_attack( 'attack-25531752', 2, 5, 5, 3, 'right', 1, 7, 5, 2, 'hps', 76.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 76.000, 5, 3 );
// #attack-25531752 results: COUNTER WIN (attacker defeated) by card 1:7 at 5,2 over attacking card 2:5 at 5,3
highlight_round_winning_card( 'attack-25531752', 1, 7, 5, 2, 'counter' );
display_gain_xps_or_levelup( 'attack-25531752', 5, 2, 1, 7, 0, 1 );
send_to_chamber( 'attack-25531752', 5, 3, 5, 2, 'counter' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'attack-25531752', 1, 1 );
set_match_meta( 'player_2_has_MoA_on_turn_', '5' );
// [-] Finished hit #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:11:41 AM [play_card_voice]
Playing card sound crypto-bot.warcry / card_voices.soldiers.crypto-bot.warcry.i0

8/23/2023, 11:11:41 AM [ui_commands]
Send to chamber
Moving card 5 from player 2 located at 5,3 to chamber

8/23/2023, 11:11:42 AM [ui_commands]
Init hit points onscreen reducer
Initializing onscreen reducer on card 1:7 at 5,2 ~ 86 HPs - 67 := 19 (in chunks of 3.35 HPs)

8/23/2023, 11:11:43 AM [play_card_voice]
Playing card sound shark-cuban.warcry / card_voices.generals.shark-cuban.warcry.i0

8/23/2023, 11:11:43 AM [ui_commands]
Update card life
Updating life of card 7 of player 1 at 5,2 from 86 to 19 (damage: 67)

8/23/2023, 11:11:44 AM [ui_commands]
Init hit points onscreen reducer
Initializing onscreen reducer on card 2:5 at 5,3 ~ 76 HPs - 76 := 0 (in chunks of 3.8 HPs)

8/23/2023, 11:11:45 AM [ui_commands]
Update card life
Updating life of card 5 of player 2 at 5,3 from 76 to 0 (damage: 76)

8/23/2023, 11:11:46 AM [ui_commands]
Clear module
Module 5,3 cleared

8/23/2023, 11:11:47 AM [send_to_chamber]
Board view unblocked

8/23/2023, 11:11:47 AM [ui_commands]
Update user chamber (1/3)
Card 5 from player 2 added to internal chamber collection.

8/23/2023, 11:11:47 AM [ui_commands]
Update user chamber (2/3)
Player 1 chamber contents: [12,6]

8/23/2023, 11:11:47 AM [ui_commands]
Update user chamber (3/3)
Player 2 chamber contents: [11,6,12,5]

8/23/2023, 11:11:47 AM [___cleanup_leftover_anims]
Leftover anims cleaned

8/23/2023, 11:11:52 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__prepare_card_in_display_area]
Dragging card #3 started

8/23/2023, 11:11:55 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__card_dropped]
Card #3 dropped on slot 3,2

8/23/2023, 11:11:55 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__remove_card_from_hand]
Cards in hand updated from [] to []

8/23/2023, 11:11:55 AM [ui_commands]
Place player card in board
Card 3 from player 2 placed on 3,2

8/23/2023, 11:11:55 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__card_dropped]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:11:55 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__card_placement_confirmed]
Board view unblocked

8/23/2023, 11:11:55 AM [play_card_voice]
Playing card sound mcafee.placement / card_voices.generals.mcafee.placement.i1

8/23/2023, 11:11:55 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
update_user_card_snapshot( 2, 3, {...} );
clear_module( 'place-2332-897', 3, 2 );
place_player_card_in_board( 3, 2, 2, 3, 'McAfee', '0', '89.000', '3.000', '0.000', '0' );
put_card_to_sleep( 3, 2 );
prevent_player_placing_more_cards( 2, 3 );
deduct_nodes_from_player( 2, 3.000 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 2 );
// Complementing commands

8/23/2023, 11:11:55 AM [ui_commands]
Clear module
Module 3,2 cleared

8/23/2023, 11:11:55 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__remove_card_from_hand]
Cards in hand updated from [] to []

8/23/2023, 11:11:55 AM [ui_commands]
Place player card in board
Card 3 from player 2 placed on 3,2

8/23/2023, 11:11:55 AM [ui_commands]
Put card to sleep
Putting to sleep to card at 3,2

8/23/2023, 11:11:55 AM [ui_commands]
Deduct nodes from player
Player 2 nodes count updated from 3 to 0

8/23/2023, 11:11:55 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 2

8/23/2023, 11:11:58 AM [ui_commands]
Conclude turn
Manual turn conclusion triggered

8/23/2023, 11:11:58 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.stop_turn_timer]
Turn timer stopped

8/23/2023, 11:11:58 AM [conclude_turn]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:11:58 AM [conclude_turn]
Board view unblocked

8/23/2023, 11:11:58 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Declaring new turn
set_current_turn( 18 );
set_playing_turn_owner( 1 );
block_all_players_but( 1 );
add_nodes_to_player( 'addnodes-638s6c6ubn8ec297', 1, 1 );
add_card_to_hand( 1, 10 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );
// Complementing commands

8/23/2023, 11:11:58 AM [ui_commands]
Set current turn
Current turn set to 18

8/23/2023, 11:11:58 AM [___cleanup_leftover_anims]
Leftover anims cleaned

8/23/2023, 11:11:58 AM [ui_commands]
Set playing turn owner
Playing turn owner set to 1

8/23/2023, 11:11:58 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.stop_turn_timer]
Turn timer stopped

8/23/2023, 11:11:58 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.clear_turn_timer]
Turn timer cleared

8/23/2023, 11:11:58 AM [ui_commands]
Block all players but...
Blocking all players but 1

8/23/2023, 11:11:58 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.rebind_board_cards]
Rebinding all board cards of player 1

8/23/2023, 11:11:58 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:12:01 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 18 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:12:01 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:12:01 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:12:05 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 18 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:12:05 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:12:05 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:12:08 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 18 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:12:08 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:12:08 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:12:11 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 18 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:12:11 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:12:11 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:12:14 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 18. Current turn in db: 18
// Executing hit by 1:7 at 5,2
// [+] Starting hit #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'attack-17522751' );
display_attack( 'attack-17522751', 1, 7, 5, 2, 2, 7, 5, 1, 'left', 'hps', 67.000);
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 67.000, 5, 1 );
display_counter_attack( 'attack-17522751', 1, 7, 5, 2, 'right', 2, 7, 5, 1, 'hps', 19.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 19.000, 5, 2 );
// #attack-17522751 results: TIE with dual kills
send_to_chamber( 'attack-17522751-d1', 5, 1, 7, 2, 'counter' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'attack-17522751', 1, 1 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_', '7' );
send_to_chamber( 'attack-17522751-d2', 5, 2, 7, 1, 'counter' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'attack-17522751', 2, 3 );
// [-] Finished hit #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:12:14 AM [play_card_voice]
Playing card sound shark-cuban.warcry / card_voices.generals.shark-cuban.warcry.i0

8/23/2023, 11:12:14 AM [ui_commands]
Send to chamber
Moving card 7 from player 2 located at 5,1 to chamber

8/23/2023, 11:12:14 AM [ui_commands]
Send to chamber
Moving card 7 from player 1 located at 5,2 to chamber

8/23/2023, 11:12:14 AM [ui_commands]
Add nodes to player
Player 2 nodes count updated from 0 to 3

8/23/2023, 11:12:14 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:12:15 AM [ui_commands]
Init hit points onscreen reducer
Initializing onscreen reducer on card 2:7 at 5,1 ~ 67 HPs - 67 := 0 (in chunks of 3.35 HPs)

8/23/2023, 11:12:16 AM [play_card_voice]
Playing card sound crypto-bot.warcry / card_voices.soldiers.crypto-bot.warcry.i0

8/23/2023, 11:12:16 AM [ui_commands]
Update card life
Updating life of card 7 of player 2 at 5,1 from 67 to 0 (damage: 67)

8/23/2023, 11:12:17 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 18. Current turn in db: 18
// Executing hit by 1:7 at 5,2
// [+] Starting hit #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'attack-17522751' );
display_attack( 'attack-17522751', 1, 7, 5, 2, 2, 7, 5, 1, 'left', 'hps', 67.000);
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 67.000, 5, 1 );
display_counter_attack( 'attack-17522751', 1, 7, 5, 2, 'right', 2, 7, 5, 1, 'hps', 19.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 19.000, 5, 2 );
// #attack-17522751 results: TIE with dual kills
send_to_chamber( 'attack-17522751-d1', 5, 1, 7, 2, 'counter' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'attack-17522751', 1, 1 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_', '7' );
send_to_chamber( 'attack-17522751-d2', 5, 2, 7, 1, 'counter' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'attack-17522751', 2, 3 );
// [-] Finished hit #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:12:17 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:12:17 AM [ui_commands]
Init hit points onscreen reducer
Initializing onscreenreducer on card 1:7 at 5,2 ~ 19 HPs - 19 := 0 (in chunks of 0.95 HPs)

8/23/2023, 11:12:18 AM [ui_commands]
Update card life
Updating life of card 7 of player 1 at 5,2 from 19 to 0 (damage: 19)

8/23/2023, 11:12:19 AM [ui_commands]
Clear module
Module 5,1 cleared

8/23/2023, 11:12:19 AM [ui_commands]
Clear module
Module 5,2 cleared

8/23/2023, 11:12:20 AM [ui_commands]
Update user chamber (1/3)
Card 7 from player 2 added to internal chamber collection.

8/23/2023, 11:12:20 AM [ui_commands]
Update user chamber (2/3)
Player 1 chamber contents: [12,6]

8/23/2023, 11:12:20 AM [ui_commands]
Update user chamber (3/3)
Player 2 chamber contents: [11,6,12,5,7]

8/23/2023, 11:12:20 AM [___cleanup_leftover_anims]
Leftover anims cleaned

8/23/2023, 11:12:20 AM [ui_commands]
Update user chamber (1/3)
Card 7 from player 1 added to internal chamber collection.

8/23/2023, 11:12:20 AM [ui_commands]
Update user chamber (2/3)
Player 1 chamber contents: [12,6,7]

8/23/2023, 11:12:20 AM [ui_commands]
Update user chamber (3/3)
Player 2 chamber contents: [11,6,12,5,7]

8/23/2023, 11:12:20 AM [___cleanup_leftover_anims]
Leftover anims cleaned

8/23/2023, 11:12:20 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 18. Current turn in db: 18
// Executing hit by 1:7 at 5,2
// [+] Starting hit #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'attack-17522751' );
display_attack( 'attack-17522751', 1, 7, 5, 2, 2, 7, 5, 1, 'left', 'hps', 67.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 67.000, 5, 1 );
display_counter_attack( 'attack-17522751', 1, 7, 5, 2, 'right', 2, 7, 5, 1, 'hps', 19.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 19.000, 5, 2 );
// #attack-17522751 results: TIE with dual kills
send_to_chamber( 'attack-17522751-d1', 5, 1, 7, 2, 'counter' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'attack-17522751', 1, 1 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_', '7' );
send_to_chamber( 'attack-17522751-d2', 5, 2, 7, 1, 'counter' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'attack-17522751', 2, 3 );
// [-] Finished hit #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:12:20 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:12:23 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 18. Current turn in db: 18
// Executing hit by 1:7 at 5,2
// [+] Starting hit #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'attack-17522751' );
display_attack( 'attack-17522751', 1, 7, 5, 2, 2, 7, 5, 1, 'left', 'hps', 67.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 67.000, 5, 1 );
display_counter_attack( 'attack-17522751', 1, 7, 5, 2, 'right', 2, 7, 5, 1, 'hps', 19.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 19.000, 5, 2 );
// #attack-17522751 results: TIE with dual kills
send_to_chamber( 'attack-17522751-d1', 5, 1, 7, 2, 'counter' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'attack-17522751', 1, 1 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_', '7' );
send_to_chamber( 'attack-17522751-d2', 5, 2, 7, 1, 'counter' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'attack-17522751', 2, 3 );
// [-] Finished hit #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:12:23 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:12:26 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UIcommands
// Requesting turn 18. Current turn in db: 18
// Executing hit by 1:7 at 5,2
// [+] Starting hit #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'attack-17522751' );
display_attack( 'attack-17522751', 1, 7, 5, 2, 2, 7, 5, 1, 'left', 'hps', 67.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 67.000, 5, 1 );
display_counter_attack( 'attack-17522751', 1, 7, 5, 2, 'right', 2, 7, 5, 1, 'hps', 19.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 19.000, 5, 2 );
// #attack-17522751 results: TIE with dual kills
send_to_chamber( 'attack-17522751-d1', 5, 1, 7, 2, 'counter' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'attack-17522751', 1, 1 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_', '7' );
send_to_chamber( 'attack-17522751-d2', 5, 2, 7, 1, 'counter' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'attack-17522751', 2, 3 );
// [-] Finished hit #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:12:26 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:12:29 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 18. Current turn in db: 18
// Executing hit by 1:7 at 5,2
// [+] Starting hit #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'attack-17522751' );
display_attack( 'attack-17522751', 1, 7, 5, 2, 2, 7, 5, 1, 'left', 'hps', 67.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 67.000, 5, 1 );
display_counter_attack( 'attack-17522751', 1, 7, 5, 2, 'right', 2, 7, 5, 1, 'hps', 19.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 19.000, 5, 2 );
// #attack-17522751 results: TIE with dual kills
send_to_chamber( 'attack-17522751-d1', 5, 1, 7, 2, 'counter' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'attack-17522751', 1, 1 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_', '7' );
send_to_chamber( 'attack-17522751-d2', 5, 2, 7, 1, 'counter' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'attack-17522751', 2, 3 );
// [-] Finished hit #1/1
// Adding commands
update_user_card_snapshot( 1, 10, {...} );
clear_module( 'place-11042-280', 4, 2 );
place_player_card_in_board( 4, 2, 1, 10, 'Crypto Bull', '0', '25.000', '1.000', '0.000', '0' );
put_card_to_sleep( 4, 2 );
prevent_player_placing_more_cards( 1, 10 );
deduct_nodes_from_player( 1, 1.000 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );
// Complementing commands

8/23/2023, 11:12:29 AM [ui_commands]
Update user card snapshot
Updating snapshot for card 10 of player 1

8/23/2023, 11:12:29 AM [ui_commands]
Clear module
Module 4,2 cleared

8/23/2023, 11:12:29 AM [play_card_voice]
Playing card sound crypto-bull.placement / card_voices.soldiers.crypto-bull.placement.i2

8/23/2023, 11:12:29 AM [ui_commands]
Place player card in board
Card 10 from player 1 placed on 4,2

8/23/2023, 11:12:29 AM [ui_commands]
Put card to sleep
Putting to sleep to card at 4,2

8/23/2023, 11:12:29 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:12:29 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:12:32 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 18. Current turn in db: 18
// Executing hit by 1:7 at 5,2
// [+] Starting hit #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'attack-17522751' );
display_attack( 'attack-17522751', 1, 7, 5, 2, 2, 7, 5, 1, 'left', 'hps', 67.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 67.000, 5, 1 );
display_counter_attack( 'attack-17522751', 1, 7, 5, 2, 'right', 2, 7, 5, 1, 'hps', 19.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 19.000, 5, 2 );
// #attack-17522751 results: TIE with dual kills
send_to_chamber( 'attack-17522751-d1', 5, 1, 7, 2, 'counter' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'attack-17522751', 1, 1 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_', '7' );
send_to_chamber( 'attack-17522751-d2', 5, 2, 7, 1, 'counter' );
add_nodes_to_player('attack-17522751', 2, 3 );
// [-] Finished hit #1/1
// Adding commands
update_user_card_snapshot( 1, 10, {...} );
clear_module( 'place-11042-280', 4, 2 );
place_player_card_in_board( 4, 2, 1, 10, 'Crypto Bull', '0', '25.000', '1.000', '0.000', '0' );
put_card_to_sleep( 4, 2 );
prevent_player_placing_more_cards( 1, 10 );
deduct_nodes_from_player( 1, 1.000 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );
// Complementing commands
// Declaring new turn
set_current_turn( 19 );
set_playing_turn_owner( 2 );
block_all_players_but( 2 );
add_nodes_to_player( 'addnodes-u3i2u4s5cjdjqkuq', 2, 1 );
notify_all_cards_used( 2 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 2 );
// Complementing commands

8/23/2023, 11:12:32 AM [ui_commands]
Update user card snapshot
Updating snapshot for card 10 of player 1

8/23/2023, 11:12:32 AM [ui_commands]
Put card to sleep
Putting to sleep to card at 4,2

8/23/2023, 11:12:32 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:12:32 AM [ui_commands]
Set current turn
Current turn set to 19

8/23/2023, 11:12:32 AM [___cleanup_leftover_anims]
Leftover anims cleaned

8/23/2023, 11:12:32 AM [ui_commands]
Set playing turn owner
Playing turn owner set to 2

8/23/2023, 11:12:32 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.start_turn_timer]
Turn timer started

8/23/2023, 11:12:32 AM [ui_commands]
Awaken sleeping cards
Awakened card at 3,2

8/23/2023, 11:12:32 AM [ui_commands]
Block all players but...
Blocking all players but 2

8/23/2023, 11:12:32 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.rebind_board_cards]
Rebinding all board cards of player 2

8/23/2023, 11:12:32 AM [block_all_players_but]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:12:32 AM [ui_commands]
Add nodes to player
Player 2 nodes count updated from 3 to 4

8/23/2023, 11:12:32 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 2

8/23/2023, 11:12:32 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:12:39 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__card_moved]
Card #1 moved from slot 1,1 to slot 1,2

8/23/2023, 11:12:39 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__remove_card_from_hand]
Cards in hand updated from [] to []

8/23/2023, 11:12:39 AM [ui_commands]
Place player card in board
Card 1 from player 2 placed on 1,2

8/23/2023, 11:12:39 AM [ui_commands]
Clear module
Module 1,1 cleared

8/23/2023, 11:12:39 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__card_moved]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:12:39 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__card_movement_confirmed]
Board view unblocked

8/23/2023, 11:12:39 AM [ui_commands]
Clear module
Module 1,1 cleared

8/23/2023, 11:12:39 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
move_card( 2, 1, 1, 1, '1', '2' );
set_match_meta( 'player_2_has_MoA_on_turn_19', '1' );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 2 );
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:12:39 AM [ui_commands]
Move card
Moving card 1 of player 2 from 1,1 to 1,2

8/23/2023, 11:12:39 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 2

8/23/2023, 11:12:44 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__prepare_card_in_display_area]
Dragging card #10 started

8/23/2023, 11:12:48 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__card_dropped]
Card #10 dropped on slot 5,3

8/23/2023, 11:12:48 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__remove_card_from_hand]
Cards in hand updated from [] to []

8/23/2023, 11:12:48 AM [ui_commands]
Place player card in board
Card 10 from player 2 placed on 5,3

8/23/2023, 11:12:48 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__card_dropped]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:12:48 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__card_placement_confirmed]
Board view unblocked

8/23/2023, 11:12:48 AM [play_card_voice]
Playing card sound fud.placement / card_voices.soldiers.fud.placement.i4

8/23/2023, 11:12:48 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
update_user_card_snapshot( 2, 10, {...} );
clear_module( 'place-21053-122', 5, 3 );
place_player_card_in_board( 5, 3, 2, 10, 'Fud', '0', '26.000', '1.000', '0.000', '0' );
put_card_to_sleep( 5, 3 );
prevent_player_placing_more_cards( 2, 10 );
deduct_nodes_from_player( 2, 1.000 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 2 );
// Complementing commands

8/23/2023, 11:12:48 AM [ui_commands]
Clear module
Module 5,3 cleared

8/23/2023, 11:12:48 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__remove_card_from_hand]
Cards in hand updated from [] to []

8/23/2023, 11:12:48 AM [ui_commands]
Place player card in board
Card 10 from player 2 placed on 5,3

8/23/2023, 11:12:48 AM [ui_commands]
Put card to sleep
Putting to sleep to card at 5,3

8/23/2023, 11:12:48 AM [ui_commands]
Deduct nodes from player
Player 2 nodes count updated from 4 to 3

8/23/2023, 11:12:48 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 2

8/23/2023, 11:12:50 AM [ui_commands]
Conclude turn
Manual turn conclusion triggered

8/23/2023, 11:12:50 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.stop_turn_timer]
Turn timer stopped

8/23/2023, 11:12:50 AM [conclude_turn]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:12:50 AM [conclude_turn]
Board view unblocked

8/23/2023, 11:12:50 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Declaring new turn
set_current_turn( 20 );
set_playing_turn_owner( 1 );
block_all_players_but( 1 );
add_nodes_to_player( 'addnodes-b4wiwnrrsb8upz38', 1, 1 );
add_card_to_hand( 1, 9 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );
// Complementing commands

8/23/2023, 11:12:50 AM [ui_commands]
Set current turn
Current turn set to 20

8/23/2023, 11:12:50 AM [___cleanup_leftover_anims]
Leftover anims cleaned

8/23/2023, 11:12:50 AM [ui_commands]
Set playing turn owner
Playing turn owner set to 1

8/23/2023, 11:12:50 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.stop_turn_timer]
Turn timer stopped

8/23/2023, 11:12:50 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.clear_turn_timer]
Turn timer cleared

8/23/2023, 11:12:50 AM [ui_commands]
Awaken sleeping cards
Awakened card at 4,2

8/23/2023, 11:12:50 AM [ui_commands]
Block all players but...
Blocking all players but 1

8/23/2023, 11:12:50 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.rebind_board_cards]
Rebinding all board cards of player 1

8/23/2023, 11:12:50 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:12:53 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 20 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:12:53 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:12:53 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:12:56 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 20 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:12:56 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:12:56 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:13:00 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 20 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:13:00 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:13:00 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:13:03 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 20. Current turn in db: 20
// Executing hit by 1:1 at 1,3
// [+] Starting hit #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'attack-11132112' );
display_attack( 'attack-11132112', 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 'left', 'hps', 60 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 60, 1, 2 );
display_counter_attack( 'attack-11132112', 1, 1, 1, 3, 'right', 2, 1, 1, 2, 'hps', 64.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 64.000, 1, 3 );
// #attack-11132112 results: COUNTER WIN (attacker defeated) by card 2:1 at 1,2 over attacking card 1:1 at 1,3
highlight_round_winning_card( 'attack-11132112', 2, 1, 1, 2, 'counter' );
display_gain_xps_or_levelup( 'attack-11132112', 1, 2, 2, 1, 0, 1 );
send_to_chamber( 'attack-11132112', 1, 3, 1, 1, 'counter' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'attack-11132112', 2, 1 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_', '1' );
// [-] Finished hit #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:13:03 AM [play_card_voice]
Playing card sound crypto-whale.warcry / card_voices.soldiers.crypto-whale.warcry.i0

8/23/2023, 11:13:03 AM [ui_commands]
Send to chamber
Moving card 1 from player 1 located at 1,3 to chamber

8/23/2023, 11:13:03 AM [ui_commands]
Add nodes to player
Player 2 nodes count updated from 3 to 4

8/23/2023, 11:13:03 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:13:04 AM [ui_commands]
Init hit points onscreen reducer
Initializing onscreen reducer on card 2:1 at 1,2 ~ 86 HPs - 60 := 26 (in chunks of 3 HPs)

8/23/2023, 11:13:05 AM [play_card_voice]
Playing card sound andrenopoulos.warcry / card_voices.generals.andrenopoulos.warcry.i0

8/23/2023, 11:13:05 AM [ui_commands]
Update card life
Updating life of card 1 of player 2 at 1,2 from 86 to 26 (damage: 60)

8/23/2023, 11:13:06 AM [ui_commands]
Init hit points onscreen reducer
Initializing onscreen reducer on card 1:1 at 1,3 ~ 64 HPs - 64 := 0 (in chunks of 3.2 HPs)

8/23/2023, 11:13:06 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 20. Current turn in db: 20
// Executing hit by 1:1 at 1,3
// [+] Starting hit #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'attack-11132112' );
display_attack( 'attack-11132112', 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 'left', 'hps', 60 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 60, 1, 2 );
display_counter_attack( 'attack-11132112', 1, 1, 1, 3, 'right', 2, 1, 1, 2, 'hps', 64.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 64.000, 1, 3 );
// #attack-11132112 results: COUNTER WIN (attacker defeated) by card 2:1 at 1,2 over attacking card 1:1 at 1,3
highlight_round_winning_card( 'attack-11132112', 2, 1, 1, 2, 'counter' );
display_gain_xps_or_levelup( 'attack-11132112', 1, 2, 2, 1, 0, 1 );
send_to_chamber( 'attack-11132112', 1, 3, 1, 1, 'counter' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'attack-11132112', 2, 1 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_', '1' );
// [-] Finished hit #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:13:06 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:13:07 AM [ui_commands]
Update card life
Updating life of card 1 of player 1 at 1,3 from 64 to 0 (damage: 64)

8/23/2023, 11:13:08 AM [ui_commands]
Clear module
Module 1,3 cleared

8/23/2023, 11:13:09 AM [ui_commands]
Update user chamber (1/3)
Card 1 from player 1 added to internal chamber collection.

8/23/2023, 11:13:09 AM [ui_commands]
Update user chamber (2/3)
Player 1 chamber contents: [12,6,7,1]

8/23/2023, 11:13:09 AM [ui_commands]
Update user chamber (3/3)
Player 2 chamber contents: [11,6,12,5,7]

8/23/2023, 11:13:09 AM [___cleanup_leftover_anims]
Leftover anims cleaned

8/23/2023, 11:13:09 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 20. Current turn in db: 20
// Executing hit by 1:1 at 1,3
// [+] Starting hit #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'attack-11132112' );
display_attack( 'attack-11132112', 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 'left', 'hps', 60 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 60, 1, 2 );
display_counter_attack( 'attack-11132112', 1, 1, 1, 3, 'right', 2, 1, 1, 2, 'hps', 64.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 64.000, 1, 3 );
// #attack-11132112 results: COUNTER WIN (attacker defeated) by card 2:1 at 1,2 over attacking card 1:1 at 1,3
highlight_round_winning_card( 'attack-11132112', 2, 1, 1, 2, 'counter' );
display_gain_xps_or_levelup( 'attack-11132112', 1, 2, 2, 1, 0, 1 );
send_to_chamber( 'attack-11132112', 1, 3, 1, 1, 'counter' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'attack-11132112', 2, 1 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_', '1' );
// [-] Finished hit #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:13:09 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:13:12 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 20. Current turn in db: 20
// Executing hit by 1:1 at 1,3
// [+] Starting hit #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'attack-11132112' );
display_attack( 'attack-11132112', 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 'left', 'hps', 60 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 60, 1, 2 );
display_counter_attack( 'attack-11132112', 1, 1, 1, 3, 'right', 2, 1, 1, 2, 'hps', 64.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 64.000, 1, 3 );
// #attack-11132112 results: COUNTER WIN (attacker defeated) by card 2:1 at 1,2 over attacking card 1:1 at 1,3
highlight_round_winning_card( 'attack-11132112', 2, 1, 1, 2, 'counter' );
display_gain_xps_or_levelup( 'attack-11132112', 1, 2, 2, 1, 0,1 );
send_to_chamber( 'attack-11132112', 1, 3, 1, 1, 'counter' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'attack-11132112', 2, 1 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_', '1' );
// [-] Finished hit #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:13:12 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:13:15 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 20. Current turn in db: 20
// Executing hit by 1:1 at 1,3
// [+] Starting hit #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'attack-11132112' );
display_attack( 'attack-11132112', 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 'left', 'hps', 60 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 60, 1, 2 );
display_counter_attack( 'attack-11132112', 1, 1, 1, 3, 'right', 2, 1, 1, 2, 'hps', 64.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 64.000, 1, 3 );
// #attack-11132112 results: COUNTER WIN (attacker defeated) by card 2:1 at 1,2 over attacking card 1:1 at 1,3
highlight_round_winning_card( 'attack-11132112', 2, 1, 1, 2, 'counter' );
display_gain_xps_or_levelup( 'attack-11132112', 1, 2, 2, 1, 0, 1 );
send_to_chamber( 'attack-11132112', 1, 3, 1, 1, 'counter' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'attack-11132112', 2, 1 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_', '1' );
// [-] Finished hit #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:13:15 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:13:18 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 20. Current turn in db: 20
// Executing hit by 1:1 at 1,3
// [+] Starting hit #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'attack-11132112' );
display_attack( 'attack-11132112', 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 'left', 'hps', 60 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 60, 1, 2 );
display_counter_attack( 'attack-11132112', 1, 1, 1, 3, 'right', 2, 1, 1, 2, 'hps', 64.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 64.000, 1, 3 );
// #attack-11132112 results: COUNTER WIN (attacker defeated) by card 2:1 at 1,2 over attacking card 1:1 at 1,3
highlight_round_winning_card( 'attack-11132112', 2, 1, 1, 2, 'counter' );
display_gain_xps_or_levelup( 'attack-11132112', 1, 2, 2, 1, 0, 1 );
send_to_chamber( 'attack-11132112', 1, 3, 1, 1, 'counter' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'attack-11132112', 2, 1 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_', '1' );
// [-] Finished hit #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:13:18 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:13:21 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 20. Current turn in db: 20
// Executing hit by 1:1 at 1,3
// [+] Starting hit #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'attack-11132112' );
display_attack( 'attack-11132112', 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 'left', 'hps', 60 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 60, 1, 2 );
display_counter_attack( 'attack-11132112', 1, 1, 1, 3, 'right', 2, 1, 1, 2, 'hps', 64.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 64.000, 1, 3 );
// #attack-11132112 results: COUNTER WIN (attacker defeated) by card 2:1 at 1,2 over attacking card 1:1 at 1,3
highlight_round_winning_card( 'attack-11132112', 2, 1, 1, 2, 'counter' );
display_gain_xps_or_levelup( 'attack-11132112', 1, 2, 2, 1, 0, 1 );
send_to_chamber( 'attack-11132112', 1, 3, 1, 1, 'counter' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'attack-11132112', 2, 1 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_', '1' );
// [-] Finished hit #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:13:21 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:13:24 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 20. Current turn in db: 20
// Executing hit by 1:1 at 1,3
// [+] Starting hit #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'attack-11132112' );
display_attack( 'attack-11132112', 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 'left', 'hps', 60 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 60, 1, 2 );
display_counter_attack( 'attack-11132112', 1, 1, 1, 3, 'right', 2, 1, 1, 2, 'hps', 64.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 64.000, 1, 3 );
// #attack-11132112 results: COUNTER WIN (attacker defeated) by card 2:1 at 1,2 over attacking card 1:1 at 1,3
highlight_round_winning_card( 'attack-11132112', 2, 1, 1, 2, 'counter' );
display_gain_xps_or_levelup( 'attack-11132112', 1, 2, 2, 1, 0, 1 );
send_to_chamber( 'attack-11132112', 1, 3, 1, 1, 'counter' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'attack-11132112', 2, 1 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_', '1' );
// [-] Finished hit #1/1
// Adding commands
update_user_card_snapshot( 1, 5, {...} );
clear_module( 'place-1521-943', 2, 1 );
place_player_card_in_board( 2, 1, 1, 5, 'Crypto Bot', '0', '26.000', '1.000', '0.000', '0' );
put_card_to_sleep( 2, 1 );
prevent_player_placing_more_cards( 1, 5 );
deduct_nodes_from_player( 1, 1.000 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );
// Complementing commands

8/23/2023, 11:13:24 AM [ui_commands]
Update user card snapshot
Updating snapshot for card 5 of player 1

8/23/2023, 11:13:24 AM [ui_commands]
Clear module
Module 2,1 cleared

8/23/2023, 11:13:24 AM [play_card_voice]
Playing card sound crypto-bot.placement / card_voices.soldiers.crypto-bot.placement.i4

8/23/2023, 11:13:24 AM [ui_commands]
Place player card in board
Card 5 from player 1 placed on 2,1

8/23/2023, 11:13:24 AM [ui_commands]
Put card to sleep
Putting to sleep to card at 2,1

8/23/2023, 11:13:24 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:13:24 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:13:27 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 20. Current turn in db: 20
// Executing hit by 1:1 at 1,3
// [+] Starting hit #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'attack-11132112' );
display_attack( 'attack-11132112', 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 'left', 'hps', 60 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 60, 1, 2 );
display_counter_attack( 'attack-11132112', 1, 1, 1, 3, 'right', 2, 1, 1, 2, 'hps', 64.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 64.000, 1, 3 );
// #attack-11132112 results: COUNTER WIN (attacker defeated) by card 2:1 at 1,2over attacking card 1:1 at 1,3
highlight_round_winning_card( 'attack-11132112', 2, 1, 1, 2, 'counter' );
display_gain_xps_or_levelup( 'attack-11132112', 1, 2, 2, 1, 0, 1 );
send_to_chamber( 'attack-11132112', 1, 3, 1, 1, 'counter' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'attack-11132112', 2, 1 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_', '1' );
// [-] Finished hit #1/1
// Adding commands
update_user_card_snapshot( 1, 5, {...} );
clear_module( 'place-1521-943', 2, 1 );
place_player_card_in_board( 2, 1, 1, 5, 'Crypto Bot', '0', '26.000', '1.000', '0.000', '0' );
put_card_to_sleep( 2, 1 );
prevent_player_placing_more_cards( 1, 5 );
deduct_nodes_from_player( 1, 1.000 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );
// Complementing commands

8/23/2023, 11:13:27 AM [ui_commands]
Update user card snapshot
Updating snapshot for card 5 of player 1

8/23/2023, 11:13:27 AM [ui_commands]
Put card to sleep
Putting to sleep to card at 2,1

8/23/2023, 11:13:27 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:13:27 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:13:30 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 20. Current turn in db: 20
// Executing hit by 1:1 at 1,3
// [+] Starting hit #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'attack-11132112' );
display_attack( 'attack-11132112', 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 'left', 'hps', 60 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 60, 1, 2 );
display_counter_attack( 'attack-11132112', 1, 1, 1, 3, 'right', 2, 1, 1, 2, 'hps', 64.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 64.000, 1, 3 );
// #attack-11132112 results: COUNTER WIN (attacker defeated) by card 2:1 at 1,2 over attacking card 1:1 at 1,3
highlight_round_winning_card( 'attack-11132112', 2, 1, 1, 2, 'counter' );
display_gain_xps_or_levelup( 'attack-11132112', 1, 2, 2, 1, 0, 1 );
send_to_chamber( 'attack-11132112', 1, 3, 1, 1, 'counter' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'attack-11132112', 2, 1 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_', '1' );
// [-] Finished hit #1/1
// Adding commands
update_user_card_snapshot( 1, 5, {...} );
clear_module( 'place-1521-943', 2, 1 );
place_player_card_in_board( 2, 1, 1, 5, 'Crypto Bot', '0', '26.000', '1.000', '0.000', '0' );
put_card_to_sleep( 2, 1 );
prevent_player_placing_more_cards( 1, 5 );
deduct_nodes_from_player( 1, 1.000 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );
// Complementing commands

8/23/2023, 11:13:30 AM [ui_commands]
Update user card snapshot
Updating snapshot for card 5 of player 1

8/23/2023, 11:13:30 AM [ui_commands]
Put card to sleep
Putting to sleep to card at 2,1

8/23/2023, 11:13:30 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:13:30 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:13:33 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 20. Current turn in db: 20
// Executing hit by 1:1 at 1,3
// [+] Starting hit #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'attack-11132112' );
display_attack( 'attack-11132112', 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 'left', 'hps', 60 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 60, 1, 2 );
display_counter_attack( 'attack-11132112', 1, 1, 1, 3, 'right', 2, 1, 1, 2, 'hps', 64.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 64.000, 1, 3 );
// #attack-11132112 results: COUNTER WIN (attacker defeated) by card 2:1 at 1,2 over attacking card 1:1 at 1,3
highlight_round_winning_card( 'attack-11132112', 2, 1, 1, 2, 'counter' );
display_gain_xps_or_levelup( 'attack-11132112', 1, 2, 2, 1, 0, 1 );
send_to_chamber( 'attack-11132112', 1, 3, 1, 1, 'counter');
add_nodes_to_player( 'attack-11132112', 2, 1 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_', '1' );
// [-] Finished hit #1/1
// Adding commands
update_user_card_snapshot( 1, 5, {...} );
clear_module( 'place-1521-943', 2, 1 );
place_player_card_in_board( 2, 1, 1, 5, 'Crypto Bot', '0', '26.000', '1.000', '0.000', '0' );
put_card_to_sleep( 2, 1 );
prevent_player_placing_more_cards( 1, 5 );
deduct_nodes_from_player( 1, 1.000 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );
// Complementing commands

8/23/2023, 11:13:33 AM [ui_commands]
Update user card snapshot
Updating snapshot for card 5 of player 1

8/23/2023, 11:13:33 AM [ui_commands]
Put card to sleep
Putting to sleep to card at 2,1

8/23/2023, 11:13:33 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:13:33 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:13:37 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 20. Current turn in db: 20
// Executing hit by 1:1 at 1,3
// [+] Starting hit #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'attack-11132112' );
display_attack( 'attack-11132112', 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 'left', 'hps', 60 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 60, 1, 2 );
display_counter_attack( 'attack-11132112', 1, 1, 1, 3, 'right', 2, 1, 1, 2, 'hps', 64.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 64.000, 1, 3 );
// #attack-11132112 results: COUNTER WIN (attacker defeated) by card 2:1 at 1,2 over attacking card 1:1 at 1,3
highlight_round_winning_card( 'attack-11132112', 2, 1, 1, 2, 'counter' );
display_gain_xps_or_levelup( 'attack-11132112', 1, 2, 2, 1, 0, 1 );
send_to_chamber( 'attack-11132112', 1, 3, 1, 1, 'counter' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'attack-11132112', 2, 1 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_', '1' );
// [-] Finished hit #1/1
// Adding commands
update_user_card_snapshot( 1, 5, {...} );
clear_module( 'place-1521-943', 2, 1 );
place_player_card_in_board( 2, 1, 1, 5, 'Crypto Bot', '0', '26.000', '1.000', '0.000', '0' );
put_card_to_sleep( 2, 1 );
prevent_player_placing_more_cards( 1, 5 );
deduct_nodes_from_player( 1, 1.000 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );
// Complementing commands

8/23/2023, 11:13:37 AM [ui_commands]
Update user card snapshot
Updating snapshot for card 5 of player 1

8/23/2023, 11:13:37 AM [ui_commands]
Put card to sleep
Putting to sleep to card at 2,1

8/23/2023, 11:13:37 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:13:37 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:13:40 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 20. Current turn in db: 20
// Executing hit by 1:1 at 1,3
// [+] Starting hit #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'attack-11132112' );
display_attack( 'attack-11132112', 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 'left', 'hps', 60 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 60, 1, 2 );
display_counter_attack( 'attack-11132112', 1, 1, 1, 3, 'right', 2, 1, 1, 2, 'hps', 64.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 64.000, 1, 3 );
// #attack-11132112 results: COUNTER WIN (attacker defeated) by card 2:1 at 1,2 over attacking card 1:1 at 1,3
highlight_round_winning_card( 'attack-11132112', 2, 1, 1, 2, 'counter' );
display_gain_xps_or_levelup( 'attack-11132112', 1, 2, 2, 1, 0, 1 );
send_to_chamber( 'attack-11132112', 1, 3, 1, 1, 'counter' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'attack-11132112', 2, 1 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_', '1' );
// [-] Finished hit #1/1
// Adding commands
update_user_card_snapshot( 1, 5, {...} );
clear_module( 'place-1521-943',2, 1 );
place_player_card_in_board( 2, 1, 1, 5, 'Crypto Bot', '0', '26.000', '1.000', '0.000', '0' );
put_card_to_sleep( 2, 1 );
prevent_player_placing_more_cards( 1, 5 );
deduct_nodes_from_player( 1, 1.000 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );
// Complementing commands
// Declaring new turn
set_current_turn( 21 );
set_playing_turn_owner( 2 );
block_all_players_but( 2 );
add_nodes_to_player( 'addnodes-caycj7gnnbbx6f4c', 2, 1 );
notify_all_cards_used( 2 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 2 );
// Complementing commands

8/23/2023, 11:13:40 AM [ui_commands]
Update user card snapshot
Updating snapshot for card 5 of player 1

8/23/2023, 11:13:40 AM [ui_commands]
Put card to sleep
Putting to sleep to card at 2,1

8/23/2023, 11:13:40 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:13:40 AM [ui_commands]
Set current turn
Current turn set to 21

8/23/2023, 11:13:40 AM [___cleanup_leftover_anims]
Leftover anims cleaned

8/23/2023, 11:13:40 AM [ui_commands]
Set playing turn owner
Playing turn owner set to 2

8/23/2023, 11:13:40 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.start_turn_timer]
Turn timer started

8/23/2023, 11:13:40 AM [ui_commands]
Awaken sleeping cards
Awakened card at 5,3

8/23/2023, 11:13:40 AM [ui_commands]
Block all players but...
Blocking all players but 2

8/23/2023, 11:13:40 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.rebind_board_cards]
Rebinding all board cards of player 2

8/23/2023, 11:13:40 AM [block_all_players_but]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:13:40 AM [ui_commands]
Add nodes to player
Player 2 nodes count updated from 4 to 5

8/23/2023, 11:13:40 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 2

8/23/2023, 11:13:40 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:13:47 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__oponent_card_clicked]
Going to attack to player 1 card 10 located at 4,2 from my card 10 located at 5,3
target sides: down, upleft - source sides: downleft, upleft
target at: upleft - sourceat: downright
suggested action: autoflip

8/23/2023, 11:13:47 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__oponent_card_clicked]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:13:47 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Executing singleton of card 10 at 5,3
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-ful-2105311042' );
display_attack( 'singleton-ful-2105311042', 2, 10, 5, 3, 1, 10, 4, 2, 'upleft', 'hps', 25.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 25.000, 4, 2 );
send_to_chamber( 'singleton-ful-2105311042', 4, 2, 10, 1, 'attack' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'singleton-ful-2105311042', 2, 1 );
set_match_meta( 'player_2_has_MoA_on_turn_21', '10' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:13:47 AM [play_card_voice]
Playing card sound fud.warcry / card_voices.soldiers.fud.warcry.i0

8/23/2023, 11:13:47 AM [ui_commands]
Send to chamber
Moving card 10 from player 1 located at 4,2 to chamber

8/23/2023, 11:13:47 AM [ui_commands]
Add nodes to player
Player 2 nodes count updated from 5 to 6

8/23/2023, 11:13:48 AM [ui_commands]
Init hit points onscreen reducer
Initializing onscreen reducer on card 1:10 at 4,2 ~ 25 HPs- 25 := 0 (in chunks of 1.25 HPs)

8/23/2023, 11:13:50 AM [ui_commands]
Update card life
Updating life of card 10 of player 1 at 4,2 from 25 to 0 (damage: 25)

8/23/2023, 11:13:50 AM [ui_commands]
Clear module
Module 4,2 cleared

8/23/2023, 11:13:51 AM [send_to_chamber]
Board view unblocked

8/23/2023, 11:13:51 AM [ui_commands]
Update user chamber (1/3)
Card 10 from player 1 added to internal chamber collection.

8/23/2023, 11:13:51 AM [ui_commands]
Update user chamber (2/3)
Player 1 chamber contents: [12,6,7,1,10]

8/23/2023, 11:13:51 AM [ui_commands]
Update user chamber (3/3)
Player 2 chamber contents: [11,6,12,5,7]

8/23/2023, 11:13:51 AM [___cleanup_leftover_anims]
Leftover anims cleaned

8/23/2023, 11:14:00 AM [ui_commands]
Conclude turn
Manual turn conclusion triggered

8/23/2023, 11:14:00 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.stop_turn_timer]
Turn timer stopped

8/23/2023, 11:14:00 AM [conclude_turn]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:14:00 AM [conclude_turn]
Board view unblocked

8/23/2023, 11:14:00 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Declaring new turn
set_current_turn( 22 );
set_playing_turn_owner( 1 );
block_all_players_but( 1 );
add_nodes_to_player( 'addnodes-7icke37qyidme9jh', 1, 1 );
notify_all_cards_used( 1 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );
// Complementing commands

8/23/2023, 11:14:00 AM [ui_commands]
Set current turn
Current turn set to 22

8/23/2023, 11:14:00 AM [___cleanup_leftover_anims]
Leftover anims cleaned

8/23/2023, 11:14:00 AM [ui_commands]
Set playing turn owner
Playing turn owner set to 1

8/23/2023, 11:14:00 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.stop_turn_timer]
Turn timer stopped

8/23/2023, 11:14:00 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.clear_turn_timer]
Turn timer cleared

8/23/2023, 11:14:00 AM [ui_commands]
Awaken sleeping cards
Awakened card at 2,1

8/23/2023, 11:14:00 AM [ui_commands]
Block all players but...
Blocking all players but 1

8/23/2023, 11:14:00 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.rebind_board_cards]
Rebinding all board cards of player 1

8/23/2023, 11:14:00 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:14:03 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 22 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:14:03 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:14:03 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:14:06 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 22 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:14:06 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:14:06 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:14:09 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 22 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:14:09 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:14:09 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:14:12 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 22. Current turn in db: 22
// Executing singleton of card 5 at 2,1
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-std-15212332' );
display_attack( 'singleton-std-15212332', 1, 5, 2, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 'downright', 'hps', 30 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 30, 3, 2 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_22', '5' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:14:12 AM [play_card_voice]
Playing card sound crypto-bot.warcry / card_voices.soldiers.crypto-bot.warcry.i0

8/23/2023, 11:14:13 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:14:14 AM [ui_commands]
Init hit points onscreen reducer
Initializing onscreen reducer on card 2:3 at 3,2 ~ 89 HPs - 30 := 59 (in chunks of 1.5 HPs)

8/23/2023, 11:14:15 AM [ui_commands]
Update card life
Updating life of card 3 of player 2 at 3,2 from 89 to 59 (damage: 30)

8/23/2023, 11:14:15 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__oponent_card_click_confirmed]
Board view unblocked

8/23/2023, 11:14:16 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 22. Current turn in db: 22
// Executing singleton of card 5 at 2,1
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-std-15212332' );
display_attack( 'singleton-std-15212332', 1, 5, 2, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 'downright', 'hps', 30 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 30, 3, 2 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_22', '5' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:14:16 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:14:18 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 22. Current turn in db: 22
// Executing singleton of card 5 at 2,1
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-std-15212332');
display_attack( 'singleton-std-15212332', 1, 5, 2, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 'downright', 'hps', 30 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 30, 3, 2 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_22', '5' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:14:18 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:14:21 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 22. Current turn in db: 22
// Executing singleton of card 5 at 2,1
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-std-15212332' );
display_attack( 'singleton-std-15212332', 1, 5, 2, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 'downright', 'hps', 30 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 30, 3, 2 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_22', '5');
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:14:21 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:14:24 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 22. Current turn in db: 22
// Executing singleton of card 5 at 2,1
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-std-15212332' );
display_attack( 'singleton-std-15212332', 1, 5, 2, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 'downright', 'hps', 30 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 30, 3, 2 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_22', '5' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:14:24 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:14:27 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 22. Current turn in db: 22
// Executing singleton of card 5 at 2,1
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-std-15212332' );
display_attack( 'singleton-std-15212332', 1, 5, 2, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 'downright', 'hps', 30 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 30, 3, 2 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_22', '5' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:14:27 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:14:30 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 22. Current turn in db: 22
// Executing singleton of card 5 at 2,1
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-std-15212332' );
display_attack( 'singleton-std-15212332', 1, 5, 2, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 'downright', 'hps', 30 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 30, 3, 2 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_22', '5' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:14:30 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:14:33 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 22. Current turn in db: 22
// Executing singleton of card 5 at 2,1
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-std-15212332' );
display_attack( 'singleton-std-15212332', 1, 5, 2, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 'downright', 'hps', 30 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 30, 3, 2 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_22', '5' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:14:33 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:14:36 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 22. Current turn in db: 22
// Executing singleton of card 5 at 2,1
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-std-15212332' );
display_attack( 'singleton-std-15212332', 1, 5, 2, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 'downright', 'hps', 30 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 30, 3, 2 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_22', '5' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:14:36 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:14:39 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 22. Current turn in db: 22
// Executing singleton of card 5 at 2,1
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-std-15212332' );
display_attack( 'singleton-std-15212332', 1, 5, 2, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 'downright', 'hps', 30 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 30, 3, 2 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_22', '5' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:14:39 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:14:42 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 22. Current turn in db: 22
// Executing singleton of card 5 at 2,1
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-std-15212332' );
display_attack( 'singleton-std-15212332', 1, 5, 2, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 'downright', 'hps', 30 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 30, 3, 2 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_22', '5' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:14:42 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:14:45 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 22. Current turn in db: 22
// Executing singleton of card 5 at 2,1
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-std-15212332' );
display_attack( 'singleton-std-15212332', 1, 5, 2, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 'downright', 'hps', 30 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 30, 3, 2 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_22', '5' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:14:45 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:14:48 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 22. Current turn in db: 22
// Executing singleton of card 5 at 2,1
//[+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-std-15212332' );
display_attack( 'singleton-std-15212332', 1, 5, 2, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 'downright', 'hps', 30 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 30, 3, 2 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_22', '5' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands
update_user_card_snapshot( 1, 8, {...} );
clear_module( 'place-1841-879', 4, 1 );
place_player_card_in_board( 4, 1, 1, 8, 'Shark Cuban', '0', '95.000', '3.000', '0.000', '0' );
put_card_to_sleep( 4, 1 );
prevent_player_placing_more_cards( 1, 8 );
deduct_nodes_from_player( 1, 3.000 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );
// Complementing commands

8/23/2023, 11:14:48 AM [ui_commands]
Update user card snapshot
Updating snapshot for card 8 of player 1

8/23/2023, 11:14:48AM [ui_commands]
Clear module
Module 4,1 cleared

8/23/2023, 11:14:48 AM [play_card_voice]
Playing card sound shark-cuban.placement / card_voices.generals.shark-cuban.placement.i1

8/23/2023, 11:14:48 AM [ui_commands]
Place player card in board
Card 8 from player 1 placed on 4,1

8/23/2023, 11:14:48 AM [ui_commands]
Put card to sleep
Putting to sleep to card at 4,1

8/23/2023, 11:14:48 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:14:48 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:14:52 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 22. Current turn in db: 22
// Executing singleton of card 5 at 2,1
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-std-15212332' );
display_attack( 'singleton-std-15212332', 1, 5, 2, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 'downright', 'hps', 30 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 30, 3, 2 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_22', '5' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands
update_user_card_snapshot( 1, 8, {...} );
clear_module( 'place-1841-879', 4, 1 );
place_player_card_in_board( 4, 1, 1, 8, 'Shark Cuban', '0', '95.000', '3.000', '0.000', '0' );
put_card_to_sleep( 4, 1 );
prevent_player_placing_more_cards( 1, 8 );
deduct_nodes_from_player( 1, 3.000 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );
// Complementing commands
// Declaring new turn
set_current_turn( 23 );
set_playing_turn_owner( 2 );
block_all_players_but( 2 );
add_nodes_to_player( 'addnodes-y6m9bzcufbgdbxux', 2, 1 );
notify_all_cards_used( 2 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 2 );
// Complementing commands

8/23/2023, 11:14:52 AM [ui_commands]
Update user card snapshot
Updating snapshot for card 8 of player 1

8/23/2023, 11:14:52 AM [ui_commands]
Put card to sleep
Putting to sleep to card at 4,1

8/23/2023, 11:14:52 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:14:52 AM [ui_commands]
Set current turn
Current turn set to 23

8/23/2023, 11:14:52 AM [___cleanup_leftover_anims]
Leftover anims cleaned

8/23/2023, 11:14:52 AM [ui_commands]
Set playing turn owner
Playing turn owner set to 2

8/23/2023, 11:14:52 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.start_turn_timer]
Turn timer started

8/23/2023, 11:14:52 AM [ui_commands]
Block all players but...
Blocking all players but 2

8/23/2023, 11:14:52 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.rebind_board_cards]
Rebinding all board cards of player 2

8/23/2023, 11:14:52 AM [block_all_players_but]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:14:52 AM [ui_commands]
Add nodes to player
Player 2 nodes count updated from 6 to 7

8/23/2023, 11:14:52 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 2

8/23/2023, 11:14:52 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:15:26 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__oponent_card_clicked]
Going to attack to player 1 card 11 located at 2,2 from my card 1 located at 1,2
target sides: downright, down - source sides: right, downright
target at: downright - source at: upleft
suggested action: autoflip

8/23/2023, 11:15:26 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__oponent_card_clicked]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:15:27 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Executing singleton of card 1 at 1,2
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-ful-211211122' );
display_attack( 'singleton-ful-211211122', 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 11, 2, 2, 'downright', 'hps', 26.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 26.000, 2, 2 );
send_to_chamber( 'singleton-ful-211211122', 2, 2, 11, 1, 'attack' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'singleton-ful-211211122', 2, 1 );
set_match_meta( 'player_2_has_MoA_on_turn_23', '1' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:15:27 AM [play_card_voice]
Playing card sound andrenopoulos.warcry / card_voices.generals.andrenopoulos.warcry.i0

8/23/2023, 11:15:27 AM [ui_commands]
Send to chamber
Moving card 11 from player 1 located at 2,2 to chamber

8/23/2023, 11:15:27 AM [ui_commands]
Add nodes to player
Player 2 nodes count updated from 7 to 8

8/23/2023, 11:15:28 AM [ui_commands]
Init hit points onscreen reducer
Initializing onscreen reducer on card 1:11 at 2,2 ~ 26 HPs - 26 := 0 (in chunks of 1.3 HPs)

8/23/2023, 11:15:29 AM [ui_commands]
Update card life
Updating life of card 11 of player 1 at 2,2 from 26 to 0 (damage: 26)

8/23/2023, 11:15:29 AM [ui_commands]
Clear module
Module 2,2 cleared

8/23/2023, 11:15:30 AM [send_to_chamber]
Board view unblocked

8/23/2023, 11:15:30 AM [ui_commands]
Update user chamber (1/3)
Card 11 from player 1 added to internal chamber collection.

8/23/2023, 11:15:30 AM [ui_commands]
Update user chamber (2/3)
Player 1 chamber contents: [12,6,7,1,10,11]

8/23/2023, 11:15:30 AM [ui_commands]
Update user chamber (3/3)
Player 2 chamber contents: [11,6,12,5,7]

8/23/2023, 11:15:30 AM [___cleanup_leftover_anims]
Leftover anims cleaned

8/23/2023, 11:15:41 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__prepare_card_in_display_area]
Dragging card #8 started

8/23/2023, 11:15:43 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__card_dropped]
Card #8 dropped on slot 5,2

8/23/2023, 11:15:43 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__remove_card_from_hand]
Cards in hand updated from [] to []

8/23/2023, 11:15:43 AM [ui_commands]
Place player card in board
Card 8 from player 2 placed on 5,2

8/23/2023, 11:15:43 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__card_dropped]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:15:43 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__card_placement_confirmed]
Board view unblocked

8/23/2023, 11:15:43 AM [play_card_voice]
Playing card sound crypto-zen.placement / card_voices.soldiers.crypto-zen.placement.i3

8/23/2023, 11:15:43 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
update_user_card_snapshot( 2, 8, {...} );
clear_module( 'place-2852-689', 5, 2 );
place_player_card_in_board( 5, 2, 2, 8, 'Crypto Zen', '0', '53.000', '1.000', '0.000', '0' );
put_card_to_sleep( 5, 2 );
prevent_player_placing_more_cards( 2, 8 );
deduct_nodes_from_player( 2, 1.000 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 2 );
// Complementing commands

8/23/2023, 11:15:43 AM [ui_commands]
Clear module
Module 5,2 cleared

8/23/2023, 11:15:43 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__remove_card_from_hand]
Cards in hand updated from [] to []

8/23/2023, 11:15:43 AM [ui_commands]
Place player card in board
Card 8 from player 2 placed on 5,2

8/23/2023, 11:15:43 AM [ui_commands]
Put card to sleep
Putting to sleep to card at 5,2

8/23/2023, 11:15:43 AM [ui_commands]
Deduct nodes from player
Player 2 nodes count updated from 8 to 7

8/23/2023, 11:15:43 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 2

8/23/2023, 11:15:45 AM [ui_commands]
Conclude turn
Manual turn conclusion triggered

8/23/2023, 11:15:45 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.stop_turn_timer]
Turn timer stopped

8/23/2023, 11:15:45 AM [conclude_turn]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:15:45 AM [conclude_turn]
Board view unblocked

8/23/2023, 11:15:45 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Declaring new turn
set_current_turn( 24 );
set_playing_turn_owner( 1 );
block_all_players_but( 1 );
add_nodes_to_player( 'addnodes-gyxhh5cjqgimdxde', 1, 1 );
notify_all_cards_used( 1 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );
// Complementing commands

8/23/2023, 11:15:45 AM [ui_commands]
Set current turn
Current turn set to 24

8/23/2023, 11:15:45 AM [___cleanup_leftover_anims]
Leftover anims cleaned

8/23/2023, 11:15:45 AM [ui_commands]
Set playing turn owner
Playing turn owner set to 1

8/23/2023, 11:15:45 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.stop_turn_timer]
Turn timer stopped

8/23/2023, 11:15:45 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.clear_turn_timer]
Turn timer cleared

8/23/2023, 11:15:45 AM [ui_commands]
Awaken sleeping cards
Awakened card at 4,1

8/23/2023, 11:15:45 AM [ui_commands]
Block all players but...
Blocking all players but 1

8/23/2023, 11:15:45 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.rebind_board_cards]
Rebinding all board cards of player 1

8/23/2023, 11:15:45 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:15:48 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 24 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:15:48 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:15:48 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:15:51 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 24 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:15:51 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:15:51 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:15:55 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 24. Current turn in db: 24
// Executing singleton of card 8 at 4,1
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-ful-18412332' );
display_attack( 'singleton-ful-18412332', 1, 8, 4, 1, 2,3, 3, 2, 'upright', 'hps', 59.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 59.000, 3, 2 );
send_to_chamber( 'singleton-ful-18412332', 3, 2, 3, 2, 'attack' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'singleton-ful-18412332', 1, 3 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_24', '8' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:15:55 AM [play_card_voice]
Playing card sound shark-cuban.warcry / card_voices.generals.shark-cuban.warcry.i0

8/23/2023, 11:15:55 AM [ui_commands]
Send to chamber
Moving card 3 from player 2 located at 3,2 to chamber

8/23/2023, 11:15:55 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:15:56 AM [ui_commands]
Init hit points onscreen reducer
Initializing onscreen reducer on card 2:3 at 3,2 ~ 59 HPs - 59 := 0 (in chunks of 2.95 HPs)

8/23/2023, 11:15:57 AM [ui_commands]
Update card life
Updating life of card 3 of player 2 at 3,2 from 59 to 0 (damage: 59)

8/23/2023, 11:15:57 AM [ui_commands]
Clear module
Module 3,2 cleared

8/23/2023, 11:15:58 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 24. Current turn in db: 24
// Executing singleton of card 8 at 4,1
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-ful-18412332' );
display_attack( 'singleton-ful-18412332', 1, 8, 4, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 'upright', 'hps', 59.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 59.000, 3, 2 );
send_to_chamber( 'singleton-ful-18412332', 3, 2, 3, 2, 'attack' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'singleton-ful-18412332', 1, 3 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_24', '8' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:15:58 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:15:58 AM [ui_commands]
Update user chamber (1/3)
Card 3 from player 2 added to internal chamber collection.

8/23/2023, 11:15:58 AM[ui_commands]
Update user chamber (2/3)
Player 1 chamber contents: [12,6,7,1,10,11]

8/23/2023, 11:15:58 AM [ui_commands]
Update user chamber (3/3)
Player 2 chamber contents: [11,6,12,5,7,3]

8/23/2023, 11:15:58 AM [___cleanup_leftover_anims]
Leftover anims cleaned

8/23/2023, 11:16:01 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 24. Current turn in db: 24
// Executing singleton of card 8 at 4,1
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-ful-18412332' );
display_attack( 'singleton-ful-18412332', 1, 8, 4, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 'upright', 'hps', 59.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 59.000, 3, 2 );
send_to_chamber( 'singleton-ful-18412332', 3, 2, 3, 2, 'attack' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'singleton-ful-18412332', 1, 3 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_24', '8' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:16:01 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:16:04 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 24. Current turn in db: 24
// Executing singleton of card 8 at 4,1
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-ful-18412332' );
display_attack( 'singleton-ful-18412332', 1, 8, 4, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 'upright', 'hps', 59.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 59.000, 3, 2 );
send_to_chamber( 'singleton-ful-18412332', 3, 2, 3, 2, 'attack' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'singleton-ful-18412332', 1, 3 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_24', '8' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:16:04 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:16:07 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 24. Current turn in db: 24
// Executing singleton of card 8 at 4,1
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-ful-18412332' );
display_attack( 'singleton-ful-18412332', 1, 8, 4, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 'upright', 'hps', 59.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 59.000, 3, 2 );
send_to_chamber( 'singleton-ful-18412332', 3, 2, 3, 2, 'attack' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'singleton-ful-18412332', 1, 3 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_24', '8' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands
update_user_card_snapshot( 1, 9, {...} );
clear_module( 'place-1932-989', 3, 2 );
place_player_card_in_board( 3, 2, 1, 9, 'Fomo', '0', '48.000', '1.000', '0.000', '0' );
put_card_to_sleep( 3, 2 );
prevent_player_placing_more_cards( 1, 9 );
deduct_nodes_from_player( 1, 1.000 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );
// Complementing commands

8/23/2023, 11:16:07 AM [ui_commands]
Update user card snapshot
Updating snapshot for card 9 of player 1

8/23/2023, 11:16:07 AM [ui_commands]
Clear module
Module 3,2 cleared

8/23/2023, 11:16:07 AM [play_card_voice]
Playing card sound fomo.placement / card_voices.soldiers.fomo.placement.i4

8/23/2023, 11:16:07 AM [ui_commands]
Place player card in board
Card 9 from player 1 placed on 3,2

8/23/2023, 11:16:07 AM [ui_commands]
Put card to sleep
Putting to sleep to card at 3,2

8/23/2023, 11:16:07 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:16:07 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:16:10 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 24. Current turn in db: 24
// Executing singleton of card 8 at 4,1
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-ful-18412332' );
display_attack( 'singleton-ful-18412332', 1, 8, 4, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 'upright', 'hps', 59.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 59.000, 3, 2 );
send_to_chamber( 'singleton-ful-18412332', 3, 2, 3, 2, 'attack' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'singleton-ful-18412332', 1, 3 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_24', '8' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands
update_user_card_snapshot( 1, 9, {...} );
clear_module( 'place-1932-989', 3,2 );
place_player_card_in_board( 3, 2, 1, 9, 'Fomo', '0', '48.000', '1.000', '0.000', '0' );
put_card_to_sleep( 3, 2 );
prevent_player_placing_more_cards( 1, 9 );
deduct_nodes_from_player( 1, 1.000 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );
// Complementing commands

8/23/2023, 11:16:10 AM [ui_commands]
Update user card snapshot
Updating snapshot for card 9 of player 1

8/23/2023, 11:16:10 AM [ui_commands]
Put card to sleep
Putting to sleep to card at 3,2

8/23/2023, 11:16:10 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:16:10 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:16:13 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 24. Current turn in db: 24
// Executing singleton of card 8 at 4,1
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-ful-18412332' );
display_attack( 'singleton-ful-18412332', 1, 8, 4, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 'upright', 'hps', 59.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 59.000, 3, 2 );
send_to_chamber( 'singleton-ful-18412332', 3, 2, 3, 2, 'attack' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'singleton-ful-18412332', 1, 3 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_24', '8' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands
update_user_card_snapshot( 1, 9, {...} );
clear_module( 'place-1932-989', 3, 2 );
place_player_card_in_board( 3, 2, 1, 9, 'Fomo', '0', '48.000', '1.000', '0.000', '0' );
put_card_to_sleep( 3, 2 );
prevent_player_placing_more_cards( 1, 9 );
deduct_nodes_from_player( 1, 1.000 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );
// Complementing commands
// Declaring new turn
set_current_turn( 25 );
set_playing_turn_owner( 2 );
block_all_players_but( 2 );
add_nodes_to_player( 'addnodes-5nmq6dx6j2qaqiaw', 2, 1 );
notify_all_cards_used( 2 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 2 );
// Complementing commands

8/23/2023, 11:16:13 AM [ui_commands]
Update user card snapshot
Updating snapshot for card 9 of player 1

8/23/2023, 11:16:13 AM [ui_commands]
Put card to sleep
Putting to sleep to card at 3,2

8/23/2023, 11:16:13 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:16:13 AM [ui_commands]
Set current turn
Current turn set to 25

8/23/2023, 11:16:13 AM [___cleanup_leftover_anims]
Leftover anims cleaned

8/23/2023, 11:16:13 AM [ui_commands]
Set playing turn owner
Playing turn owner set to 2

8/23/2023, 11:16:13 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.start_turn_timer]
Turn timer started

8/23/2023, 11:16:13 AM [ui_commands]
Awaken sleeping cards
Awakened card at 5,2

8/23/2023, 11:16:13 AM [ui_commands]
Block all players but...
Blocking all players but 2

8/23/2023, 11:16:13 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.rebind_board_cards]
Rebinding all board cards of player 2

8/23/2023, 11:16:13 AM [block_all_players_but]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:16:13 AM [ui_commands]
Add nodes to player
Player 2 nodes count updated from 7 to 8

8/23/2023, 11:16:13 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 2

8/23/2023, 11:16:13 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:16:39 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__oponent_card_clicked]
Going to attack to player 1 card 8 located at 4,1 from my card 8 located at 5,2
target sides: upright, right - source sides: left, upleft
targetat: upleft - source at: downright
suggested action: autoflip

8/23/2023, 11:16:39 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__oponent_card_clicked]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:16:39 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Executing singleton of card 8 at 5,2
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-std-28521841' );
display_attack( 'singleton-std-28521841', 2, 8, 5, 2, 1, 8, 4, 1, 'upleft', 'hps', 54 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 54, 4, 1 );
set_match_meta( 'player_2_has_MoA_on_turn_25', '8' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:16:39 AM [play_card_voice]
Playing card sound crypto-zen.warcry / card_voices.soldiers.crypto-zen.warcry.i0

8/23/2023, 11:16:40 AM [ui_commands]
Init hit points onscreen reducer
Initializing onscreen reducer on card 1:8 at 4,1 ~ 95 HPs - 54 := 41 (in chunks of 2.7 HPs)

8/23/2023, 11:16:41 AM [ui_commands]
Update card life
Updating life of card 8 of player 1 at 4,1 from 95 to 41 (damage: 54)

8/23/2023, 11:16:41 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__oponent_card_click_confirmed]
Board view unblocked

8/23/2023, 11:16:46 AM [ui_commands]
Conclude turn
Manual turn conclusion triggered

8/23/2023, 11:16:46 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.stop_turn_timer]
Turn timer stopped

8/23/2023, 11:16:46 AM [conclude_turn]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:16:47 AM [conclude_turn]
Board view unblocked

8/23/2023, 11:16:47 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Declaring new turn
set_current_turn( 26 );
set_playing_turn_owner( 1 );
block_all_players_but( 1 );
add_nodes_to_player( 'addnodes-5k4buucjx7884tn3', 1, 1 );
notify_all_cards_used( 1 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );
// Complementing commands

8/23/2023, 11:16:47 AM [ui_commands]
Set current turn
Current turn set to 26

8/23/2023, 11:16:47 AM [___cleanup_leftover_anims]
Leftover anims cleaned

8/23/2023, 11:16:47 AM [ui_commands]
Set playing turn owner
Playing turn owner set to 1

8/23/2023, 11:16:47 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.stop_turn_timer]
Turn timer stopped

8/23/2023, 11:16:47 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.clear_turn_timer]
Turn timer cleared

8/23/2023, 11:16:47 AM [ui_commands]
Awaken sleeping cards
Awakened card at 3,2

8/23/2023, 11:16:47 AM [ui_commands]
Block all players but...
Blocking all players but 1

8/23/2023, 11:16:47 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.rebind_board_cards]
Rebinding all board cards of player 1

8/23/2023, 11:16:47 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:16:50 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 26 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:16:50 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:16:50 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:16:53 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 26 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:16:53 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:16:53 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:16:56 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 26 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:16:56 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turnlistener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:16:56 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:16:59 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 26 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:16:59 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:16:59 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:17:03 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 26 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:17:03 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:17:03 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:17:06 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 26 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:17:06 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:17:06 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:17:09 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 26 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:17:09 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:17:09 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:17:12 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 26 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:17:12 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:17:12 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:17:15 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 26 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:17:15 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:17:15 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:17:19 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 26 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:17:19 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:17:19 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:17:22 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 26 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:17:22 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:17:22 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:17:25 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 26 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:17:25 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:17:25 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:17:28 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 26 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:17:28 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:17:28 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:17:31 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 26 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:17:31 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:17:31 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:17:34 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 26 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:17:34 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:17:34 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:17:38 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 26. Current turn in db: 26
update_user_card_snapshot( 1, 3, {...} );
clear_module( 'place-1333-664', 3, 3 );
place_player_card_in_board( 3, 3, 1, 3, 'Fud', '0', '41.000', '1.000', '0.000', '0' );
put_card_to_sleep( 3, 3 );
prevent_player_placing_more_cards( 1, 3 );
deduct_nodes_from_player( 1, 1.000 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );
// Adding commands
// Declaring new turn
set_current_turn( 27 );
set_playing_turn_owner( 2 );
block_all_players_but( 2 );
add_nodes_to_player( 'addnodes-f6qmfb74zw4bika7', 2, 1 );
notify_all_cards_used( 2 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 2 );
// Complementing commands

8/23/2023, 11:17:38 AM [ui_commands]
Update user card snapshot
Updating snapshot for card 3 of player 1

8/23/2023, 11:17:38 AM [ui_commands]
Clear module
Module 3,3 cleared

8/23/2023, 11:17:38 AM [play_card_voice]
Playing card sound fud.placement / card_voices.soldiers.fud.placement.i3

8/23/2023, 11:17:38 AM [ui_commands]
Place player card in board
Card 3 from player 1 placed on 3,3

8/23/2023, 11:17:38 AM [ui_commands]
Put card to sleep
Putting to sleep to card at 3,3

8/23/2023, 11:17:38 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:17:38 AM [ui_commands]
Set current turn
Current turn set to 27

8/23/2023, 11:17:38 AM [___cleanup_leftover_anims]
Leftover anims cleaned

8/23/2023, 11:17:38 AM [ui_commands]
Set playing turn owner
Playing turn owner set to 2

8/23/2023, 11:17:38 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.start_turn_timer]
Turn timer started

8/23/2023, 11:17:38 AM [ui_commands]
Block all players but...
Blocking all players but 2

8/23/2023, 11:17:38 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.rebind_board_cards]
Rebinding all board cards of player 2

8/23/2023, 11:17:38 AM [block_all_players_but]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:17:38 AM [ui_commands]
Add nodes to player
Player 2 nodes count updated from 8 to 9

8/23/2023, 11:17:38 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 2

8/23/2023, 11:17:38 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:18:11 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__oponent_card_clicked]
Going to attack to player 1 card 8 located at 4,1 from my card 8 located at 5,2
target sides: upright, right - source sides: left, upleft
target at: upleft - source at: downright
suggested action: autoflip

8/23/2023, 11:18:11 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__oponent_card_clicked]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:18:11 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Executing singleton of card 8 at 5,2
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-ful-28521841' );
display_attack( 'singleton-ful-28521841', 2, 8, 5, 2, 1, 8, 4, 1, 'upleft', 'hps', 41.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 41.000, 4, 1 );
send_to_chamber( 'singleton-ful-28521841', 4, 1, 8, 1, 'attack' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'singleton-ful-28521841', 2, 3 );
set_match_meta( 'player_2_has_MoA_on_turn_27', '8' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:18:11 AM [play_card_voice]
Playing card sound crypto-zen.warcry / card_voices.soldiers.crypto-zen.warcry.i0

8/23/2023, 11:18:11 AM [ui_commands]
Send to chamber
Moving card 8 from player 1 located at 4,1 to chamber

8/23/2023, 11:18:11 AM [ui_commands]
Add nodes to player
Player 2 nodes count updated from 9 to 12

8/23/2023, 11:18:12 AM [ui_commands]
Init hit points onscreen reducer
Initializing onscreen reducer on card 1:8 at 4,1 ~ 41 HPs - 41 := 0 (in chunks of 2.05 HPs)

8/23/2023, 11:18:13 AM [ui_commands]
Update card life
Updating life of card 8 of player 1 at 4,1 from 41 to 0 (damage: 41)

8/23/2023, 11:18:14 AM [ui_commands]
Clear module
Module 4,1 cleared

8/23/2023, 11:18:14 AM [send_to_chamber]
Board view unblocked

8/23/2023, 11:18:14 AM [ui_commands]
Update user chamber (1/3)
Card 8 from player 1 added to internalchamber collection.

8/23/2023, 11:18:14 AM [ui_commands]
Update user chamber (2/3)
Player 1 chamber contents: [12,6,7,1,10,11,8]

8/23/2023, 11:18:14 AM [ui_commands]
Update user chamber (3/3)
Player 2 chamber contents: [11,6,12,5,7,3]

8/23/2023, 11:18:14 AM [___cleanup_leftover_anims]
Leftover anims cleaned

8/23/2023, 11:18:20 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__prepare_card_in_display_area]
Dragging card #9 started

8/23/2023, 11:18:21 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__card_dropped]
Card #9 dropped on slot 1,3

8/23/2023, 11:18:21 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__remove_card_from_hand]
Cards in hand updated from [] to []

8/23/2023, 11:18:21 AM [ui_commands]
Place player card in board
Card 9 from player 2 placed on 1,3

8/23/2023, 11:18:21 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__card_dropped]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:18:22 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__card_placement_confirmed]
Board view unblocked

8/23/2023, 11:18:22 AM [play_card_voice]
Playing card sound crypto-whale.placement / card_voices.soldiers.crypto-whale.placement.i1

8/23/2023, 11:18:22 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
update_user_card_snapshot( 2, 9, {...} );
clear_module( 'place-2913-782', 1, 3 );
place_player_card_in_board( 1, 3, 2, 9, 'Crypto Whale', '0', '51.000', '1.000', '0.000', '0' );
put_card_to_sleep( 1, 3 );
prevent_player_placing_more_cards( 2, 9 );
deduct_nodes_from_player( 2, 1.000 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 2 );
// Complementing commands

8/23/2023, 11:18:22 AM [ui_commands]
Clear module
Module 1,3 cleared

8/23/2023, 11:18:22 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__remove_card_from_hand]
Cards in hand updated from [] to []

8/23/2023, 11:18:22 AM [ui_commands]
Place player card in board
Card 9 from player 2 placed on 1,3

8/23/2023, 11:18:22 AM [ui_commands]
Put card to sleep
Putting to sleep to card at 1,3

8/23/2023, 11:18:22 AM [ui_commands]
Deduct nodes from player
Player 2 nodes count updated from 12 to 11

8/23/2023, 11:18:22 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 2

8/23/2023, 11:18:23 AM [ui_commands]
Conclude turn
Manual turn conclusion triggered

8/23/2023, 11:18:23 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.stop_turn_timer]
Turn timer stopped

8/23/2023, 11:18:23 AM [conclude_turn]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:18:23 AM [conclude_turn]
Board view unblocked

8/23/2023, 11:18:23 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Declaring new turn
set_current_turn( 28 );
set_playing_turn_owner( 1 );
block_all_players_but( 1 );
add_nodes_to_player( 'addnodes-9b5g667x4zr8g6wg', 1, 1 );
notify_all_cards_used( 1 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );
// Complementing commands

8/23/2023, 11:18:23 AM [ui_commands]
Set current turn
Current turn set to 28

8/23/2023, 11:18:23 AM [___cleanup_leftover_anims]
Leftover anims cleaned

8/23/2023, 11:18:23 AM [ui_commands]
Set playing turn owner
Playing turn owner set to 1

8/23/2023, 11:18:23 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.stop_turn_timer]
Turn timer stopped

8/23/2023, 11:18:23 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.clear_turn_timer]
Turn timer cleared

8/23/2023, 11:18:23 AM [ui_commands]
Awaken sleeping cards
Awakened card at 3,3

8/23/2023, 11:18:23 AM [ui_commands]
Block all players but...
Blocking all players but 1

8/23/2023, 11:18:23 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.rebind_board_cards]
Rebinding all board cards of player 1

8/23/2023, 11:18:23 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:18:26 AM [app.battle_engine.chat.get_messages]
Incoming battle chat messages rendered.

8/23/2023, 11:18:27 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 28 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:18:27 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:18:27 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:18:30 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 28 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:18:30 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:18:30 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:18:31 AM [app.battle_engine.chat.stop_listener]
Battle chat listener stopped

8/23/2023, 11:18:31 AM [app.battle_engine.chat.resume_listener]
Battle chat listener started

8/23/2023, 11:18:31 AM [app.battle_engine.chat.get_messages]
Incoming battle chat messages rendered.

8/23/2023, 11:18:33 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 28 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:18:33 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:18:33 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:18:36 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 28 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:18:36 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:18:36 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:18:38 AM [app.battle_engine.chat.stop_listener]
Battle chat listener stopped

8/23/2023, 11:18:38 AM [app.battle_engine.chat.resume_listener]
Battle chat listener started

8/23/2023, 11:18:38 AM [app.battle_engine.chat.get_messages]
Incoming battle chat messages rendered.

8/23/2023, 11:18:39 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 28. Current turn in db: 28
// Executing singleton of card 5 at 2,1
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-std-15212431' );
display_attack( 'singleton-std-15212431', 1, 5, 2, 1, 2, 4, 3, 1, 'downleft','hps', 30 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 30, 3, 1 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_28', '5' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:18:39 AM [play_card_voice]
Playing card sound crypto-bot.warcry / card_voices.soldiers.crypto-bot.warcry.i0

8/23/2023, 11:18:39 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:18:40 AM [ui_commands]
Init hit points onscreen reducer
Initializing onscreen reducer on card 2:4 at 3,1 ~ 94 HPs - 30 := 64 (in chunks of 1.5 HPs)

8/23/2023, 11:18:41 AM [ui_commands]
Update card life
Updating life of card 4 of player 2 at 3,1 from 94 to 64 (damage: 30)

8/23/2023, 11:18:41 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__oponent_card_click_confirmed]
Board view unblocked

8/23/2023, 11:18:42 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 28. Current turn in db: 28
// Executing singleton of card 5 at 2,1
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-std-15212431' );
display_attack( 'singleton-std-15212431', 1, 5, 2, 1, 2, 4, 3, 1, 'downleft', 'hps', 30 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 30, 3, 1 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_28', '5' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:18:42 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:18:45 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 28. Current turn in db: 28
// Executing singleton of card 5 at 2,1
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-std-15212431' );
display_attack( 'singleton-std-15212431', 1, 5, 2, 1, 2, 4, 3, 1, 'downleft', 'hps', 30 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 30, 3, 1 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_28', '5' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:18:45 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK.UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:18:48 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 28. Current turn in db: 28
// Executing singleton of card 5 at 2,1
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-std-15212431' );
display_attack( 'singleton-std-15212431', 1, 5, 2, 1, 2, 4, 3, 1, 'downleft', 'hps', 30 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 30, 3, 1 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_28', '5' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:18:48 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:18:51 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 28. Current turn in db: 28
// Executing singleton of card 5 at 2,1
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-std-15212431' );
display_attack( 'singleton-std-15212431', 1, 5, 2, 1, 2, 4, 3, 1, 'downleft', 'hps', 30 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 30, 3, 1 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_28', '5' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:18:51 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:18:54 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 28. Current turn in db: 28
// Executing singleton of card 5 at 2,1
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-std-15212431' );
display_attack( 'singleton-std-15212431', 1, 5, 2, 1, 2, 4, 3, 1, 'downleft', 'hps', 30 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 30, 3, 1 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_28', '5' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:18:54 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:18:57 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 28. Current turn in db: 28
// Executing singleton of card 5 at 2,1
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-std-15212431' );
display_attack( 'singleton-std-15212431', 1, 5, 2, 1, 2, 4, 3, 1, 'downleft', 'hps', 30 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 30, 3, 1 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_28','5' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:18:57 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:19:00 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 28. Current turn in db: 28
// Executing singleton of card 5 at 2,1
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-std-15212431' );
display_attack( 'singleton-std-15212431', 1, 5, 2, 1, 2, 4, 3, 1, 'downleft', 'hps', 30 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 30, 3, 1 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_28', '5' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands
// Declaring new turn
set_current_turn( 29 );
set_playing_turn_owner( 2 );
block_all_players_but( 2 );
add_nodes_to_player( 'addnodes-fzhq53xgqz3up6x3', 2, 1 );
notify_all_cards_used( 2 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 2 );
// Complementing commands

8/23/2023, 11:19:00 AM [ui_commands]
Set current turn
Current turn set to 29

8/23/2023, 11:19:00 AM [___cleanup_leftover_anims]
Leftover anims cleaned

8/23/2023, 11:19:00 AM [ui_commands]
Set playing turn owner
Playing turn owner set to 2

8/23/2023, 11:19:00 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.start_turn_timer]
Turn timer started

8/23/2023, 11:19:00 AM [ui_commands]
Awaken sleeping cards
Awakened card at 1,3

8/23/2023, 11:19:00 AM [ui_commands]
Block all players but...
Blocking all players but 2

8/23/2023, 11:19:00 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.rebind_board_cards]
Rebinding all board cards of player 2

8/23/2023, 11:19:00 AM [block_all_players_but]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:19:00 AM [ui_commands]
Add nodes to player
Player 2 nodes count updated from 11 to 12

8/23/2023, 11:19:00 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 2

8/23/2023, 11:19:00 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:19:08 AM [app.battle_engine.chat.get_messages]
Incoming battle chat messages rendered.

8/23/2023, 11:19:26 AM [app.battle_engine.chat.stop_listener]
Battle chat listener stopped

8/23/2023, 11:19:26 AM [app.battle_engine.chat.resume_listener]
Battle chat listener started

8/23/2023, 11:19:26 AM [app.battle_engine.chat.get_messages]
Incoming battle chat messages rendered.

8/23/2023, 11:19:43 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__card_moved]
Card #4 moved from slot 3,1 to slot 1,1

8/23/2023, 11:19:43 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__remove_card_from_hand]
Cards in hand updated from [] to []

8/23/2023, 11:19:43 AM [ui_commands]
Place player card in board
Card 4 from player 2 placed on 1,1

8/23/2023, 11:19:43 AM [ui_commands]
Clear module
Module 3,1 cleared

8/23/2023, 11:19:43 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__card_moved]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:19:43 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__card_movement_confirmed]
Board view unblocked

8/23/2023, 11:19:43 AM [ui_commands]
Clear module
Module 3,1 cleared

8/23/2023, 11:19:43 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
move_card( 2, 4, 3, 1, '1', '1' );
set_match_meta( 'player_2_has_MoA_on_turn_29', '4' );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 2 );
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:19:43 AM [ui_commands]
Move card
Moving card 4 of player 2 from 3,1 to 1,1

8/23/2023, 11:19:43 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 2

8/23/2023, 11:19:46 AM [ui_commands]
Conclude turn
Manual turn conclusion triggered

8/23/2023, 11:19:46 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.stop_turn_timer]
Turn timer stopped

8/23/2023, 11:19:46 AM [conclude_turn]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:19:46 AM [conclude_turn]
Board view unblocked

8/23/2023, 11:19:46 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Declaring new turn
set_current_turn( 30 );
set_playing_turn_owner( 1 );
block_all_players_but( 1 );
add_nodes_to_player( 'addnodes-unnu8ugqrkbnz82b', 1, 1 );
notify_all_cards_used( 1 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );
// Complementing commands

8/23/2023, 11:19:46 AM [ui_commands]
Set current turn
Current turn set to 30

8/23/2023, 11:19:46 AM [___cleanup_leftover_anims]
Leftover anims cleaned

8/23/2023, 11:19:46 AM [ui_commands]
Set playing turn owner
Playing turn owner set to 1

8/23/2023, 11:19:46 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.stop_turn_timer]
Turn timer stopped

8/23/2023, 11:19:46 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.clear_turn_timer]
Turn timer cleared

8/23/2023, 11:19:46 AM [ui_commands]
Block all players but...
Blocking all players but 1

8/23/2023, 11:19:46 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.rebind_board_cards]
Rebinding all board cards of player 1

8/23/2023, 11:19:46 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:19:50 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 30 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:19:50 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:19:50 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:19:53 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 30. Current turn in db: 30
// Executing singleton of card 3 at 3,3
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-ful-133321053' );
display_attack( 'singleton-ful-133321053', 1, 3, 3, 3, 2, 10, 5, 3, 'down', 'hps', 26.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 26.000, 5, 3 );
send_to_chamber( 'singleton-ful-133321053', 5, 3, 10, 2, 'attack' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'singleton-ful-133321053', 1, 1 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_30', '3' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:19:53 AM [play_card_voice]
Playing card sound fud.warcry / card_voices.soldiers.fud.warcry.i0

8/23/2023, 11:19:53 AM [ui_commands]
Send to chamber
Moving card 10 from player 2 located at 5,3 to chamber

8/23/2023, 11:19:53 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:19:54 AM [ui_commands]
Init hit points onscreen reducer
Initializing onscreen reducer on card 2:10 at 5,3 ~ 26 HPs - 26 := 0 (in chunks of 1.3 HPs)

8/23/2023, 11:19:55 AM [ui_commands]
Update card life
Updating life of card 10 of player 2 at 5,3 from 26 to 0 (damage: 26)

8/23/2023, 11:19:56 AM [ui_commands]
Clear module
Module 5,3 cleared

8/23/2023, 11:19:56 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 30. Current turn in db: 30
// Executing singleton of card 3 at 3,3
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-ful-133321053' );
display_attack( 'singleton-ful-133321053', 1, 3, 3, 3, 2, 10, 5, 3, 'down', 'hps', 26.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 26.000, 5, 3 );
send_to_chamber( 'singleton-ful-133321053', 5, 3, 10, 2, 'attack' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'singleton-ful-133321053', 1, 1 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_30', '3' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:19:56 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:19:56 AM [ui_commands]
Update user chamber (1/3)
Card 10 from player 2 added to internal chamber collection.

8/23/2023, 11:19:56 AM [ui_commands]
Update user chamber (2/3)
Player 1 chamber contents: [12,6,7,1,10,11,8]

8/23/2023, 11:19:56 AM [ui_commands]
Update user chamber (3/3)
Player 2 chamber contents: [11,6,12,5,7,3,10]

8/23/2023, 11:19:56 AM [___cleanup_leftover_anims]
Leftover anims cleaned

8/23/2023, 11:19:59 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 30. Current turn in db: 30
// Executing singleton of card 3 at 3,3
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-ful-133321053' );
display_attack( 'singleton-ful-133321053', 1, 3, 3, 3, 2, 10, 5, 3, 'down', 'hps', 26.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 26.000, 5, 3 );
send_to_chamber( 'singleton-ful-133321053', 5, 3, 10, 2, 'attack' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'singleton-ful-133321053', 1, 1 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_30', '3' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:19:59 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:19:59 AM [app.battle_engine.chat.stop_listener]
Battle chat listener stopped

8/23/2023, 11:19:59 AM [app.battle_engine.chat.resume_listener]
Battle chat listener started

8/23/2023, 11:19:59 AM [app.battle_engine.chat.get_messages]
Incoming battle chat messages rendered.

8/23/2023, 11:20:00 AM [app.battle_engine.chat.stop_listener]
Battle chat listener stopped

8/23/2023, 11:20:02 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 30. Current turn in db: 30
// Executing singleton of card 3 at 3,3
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-ful-133321053' );
display_attack( 'singleton-ful-133321053', 1, 3, 3, 3, 2, 10, 5, 3, 'down', 'hps', 26.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 26.000, 5, 3 );
send_to_chamber( 'singleton-ful-133321053', 5, 3, 10, 2, 'attack' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'singleton-ful-133321053', 1, 1 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_30', '3' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands
update_user_card_snapshot( 1, 2, {...} );
clear_module( 'place-1253-104', 5, 3 );
place_player_card_in_board( 5, 3, 1, 2, 'Pomp', '0', '82.000', '3.000', '0.000', '0' );
put_card_to_sleep( 5, 3 );
prevent_player_placing_more_cards( 1, 2 );
deduct_nodes_from_player( 1, 3.000 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );
// Complementing commands
// Declaring new turn
set_current_turn( 31 );
set_playing_turn_owner( 2 );
block_all_players_but( 2 );
add_nodes_to_player( 'addnodes-asie8bsh6au36jpb', 2, 1 );
notify_all_cards_used( 2 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 2 );
// Complementing commands

8/23/2023, 11:20:02 AM [ui_commands]
Update user card snapshot
Updating snapshot for card 2 of player 1

8/23/2023, 11:20:02 AM [ui_commands]
Clear module
Module 5,3 cleared

8/23/2023, 11:20:02 AM [play_card_voice]
Playing card sound pomp.placement / card_voices.generals.pomp.placement.i3

8/23/2023, 11:20:02 AM [ui_commands]
Place player card in board
Card 2 from player 1 placed on 5,3

8/23/2023, 11:20:02 AM [ui_commands]
Put card to sleep
Putting to sleep to card at 5,3

8/23/2023, 11:20:02 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:20:02 AM [ui_commands]
Set current turn
Current turn set to 31

8/23/2023, 11:20:02 AM [___cleanup_leftover_anims]
Leftover anims cleaned

8/23/2023, 11:20:02 AM [ui_commands]
Set playing turn owner
Playing turn owner set to 2

8/23/2023, 11:20:02 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.start_turn_timer]
Turn timer started

8/23/2023, 11:20:02 AM [ui_commands]
Block all players but...
Blocking all players but 2

8/23/2023, 11:20:02 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.rebind_board_cards]
Rebinding all board cards of player 2

8/23/2023, 11:20:02 AM [block_all_players_but]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:20:02 AM [ui_commands]
Add nodes to player
Player 2 nodes count updated from 12 to 13

8/23/2023, 11:20:02 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 2

8/23/2023, 11:20:02 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:20:20 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__oponent_card_clicked]
Going to attack to player 1 card 3 located at 3,3 from my card 9 located at 1,3
target sides: down, downleft - source sides: down, downleft
target at: down - source at: up
suggested action: autoflip

8/23/2023, 11:20:20 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__oponent_card_clicked]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:20:20 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Executing singleton of card 9 at 1,3
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-ful-29131333' );
display_attack( 'singleton-ful-29131333', 2, 9, 1, 3, 1, 3, 3, 3, 'down', 'hps', 41.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 41.000, 3, 3 );
send_to_chamber( 'singleton-ful-29131333', 3, 3, 3, 1,'attack' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'singleton-ful-29131333', 2, 1 );
set_match_meta( 'player_2_has_MoA_on_turn_31', '9' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:20:20 AM [play_card_voice]
Playing card sound crypto-whale.warcry / card_voices.soldiers.crypto-whale.warcry.i0

8/23/2023, 11:20:20 AM [ui_commands]
Send to chamber
Moving card 3 from player 1 located at 3,3 to chamber

8/23/2023, 11:20:20 AM [ui_commands]
Add nodes to player
Player 2 nodes count updated from 13 to 14

8/23/2023, 11:20:21 AM [ui_commands]
Init hit points onscreen reducer
Initializing onscreen reducer on card 1:3 at 3,3 ~ 41 HPs - 41 := 0 (in chunks of 2.05 HPs)

8/23/2023, 11:20:22 AM [ui_commands]
Update card life
Updating life of card 3 of player 1 at 3,3 from 41 to 0 (damage: 41)

8/23/2023, 11:20:23 AM [ui_commands]
Clear module
Module 3,3 cleared

8/23/2023, 11:20:23 AM [send_to_chamber]
Board view unblocked

8/23/2023, 11:20:23 AM [ui_commands]
Update user chamber (1/3)
Card 3 from player 1 added to internal chamber collection.

8/23/2023, 11:20:23 AM [ui_commands]
Update user chamber (2/3)
Player 1 chamber contents: [12,6,7,1,10,11,8,3]

8/23/2023, 11:20:23 AM [ui_commands]
Update user chamber (3/3)
Player 2 chamber contents: [11,6,12,5,7,3,10]

8/23/2023, 11:20:23 AM [___cleanup_leftover_anims]
Leftover anims cleaned

8/23/2023, 11:20:27 AM [ui_commands]
Conclude turn
Manual turn conclusion triggered

8/23/2023, 11:20:27 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.stop_turn_timer]
Turn timer stopped

8/23/2023, 11:20:27 AM [conclude_turn]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:20:27 AM [conclude_turn]
Board view unblocked

8/23/2023, 11:20:27 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Declaring new turn
set_current_turn( 32 );
set_playing_turn_owner( 1 );
block_all_players_but( 1 );
add_nodes_to_player( 'addnodes-zn9bggedkizfywmn', 1, 1 );
notify_all_cards_used( 1 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );
// Complementing commands

8/23/2023, 11:20:27 AM [ui_commands]
Set current turn
Current turn set to 32

8/23/2023, 11:20:27 AM [___cleanup_leftover_anims]
Leftover anims cleaned

8/23/2023, 11:20:27 AM [ui_commands]
Set playing turn owner
Playing turn owner set to 1

8/23/2023, 11:20:27 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.stop_turn_timer]
Turn timer stopped

8/23/2023, 11:20:27 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.clear_turn_timer]
Turn timer cleared

8/23/2023, 11:20:27 AM [ui_commands]
Awaken sleeping cards
Awakened card at 5,3

8/23/2023, 11:20:27 AM [ui_commands]
Block all players but...
Blocking all players but 1

8/23/2023, 11:20:27 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.rebind_board_cards]
Rebinding all board cards of player 1

8/23/2023, 11:20:27 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:20:30 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 32 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:20:30 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:20:30 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:20:33 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 32 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:20:33 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:20:33 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:20:36 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 32 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:20:36 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:20:36 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:20:40 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 32. Current turn in db: 32
// Executing singleton of card 2 at 5,3
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-ful-12532852' );
display_attack( 'singleton-ful-12532852', 1, 2, 5, 3, 2, 8, 5, 2, 'left', 'hps', 53.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 53.000, 5, 2 );
send_to_chamber( 'singleton-ful-12532852', 5, 2, 8, 2, 'attack' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'singleton-ful-12532852', 1, 1 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_32', '2' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:20:40 AM [play_card_voice]
Playing card sound pomp.warcry / card_voices.generals.pomp.warcry.i0

8/23/2023, 11:20:40 AM [ui_commands]
Send to chamber
Moving card 8 from player 2 located at 5,2 to chamber

8/23/2023, 11:20:40 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:20:41 AM [ui_commands]
Init hit points onscreen reducer
Initializing onscreen reducer on card 2:8 at 5,2 ~ 53 HPs - 53 := 0 (in chunks of 2.65 HPs)

8/23/2023, 11:20:42 AM [ui_commands]
Update card life
Updating life of card 8 of player 2 at 5,2 from 53 to 0 (damage: 53)

8/23/2023, 11:20:42 AM [ui_commands]
Clear module
Module 5,2 cleared

8/23/2023, 11:20:43 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 32. Current turn in db: 32
// Executing singleton of card 2 at 5,3
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-ful-12532852' );
display_attack( 'singleton-ful-12532852', 1, 2, 5, 3, 2, 8, 5, 2, 'left', 'hps', 53.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 53.000, 5, 2 );
send_to_chamber( 'singleton-ful-12532852', 5, 2, 8, 2, 'attack' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'singleton-ful-12532852',1, 1 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_32', '2' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:20:43 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:20:43 AM [ui_commands]
Update user chamber (1/3)
Card 8 from player 2 added to internal chamber collection.

8/23/2023, 11:20:43 AM [ui_commands]
Update user chamber (2/3)
Player 1 chamber contents: [12,6,7,1,10,11,8,3]

8/23/2023, 11:20:43 AM [ui_commands]
Update user chamber (3/3)
Player 2 chamber contents: [11,6,12,5,7,3,10,8]

8/23/2023, 11:20:43 AM [___cleanup_leftover_anims]
Leftover anims cleaned

8/23/2023, 11:20:46 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 32. Current turn in db: 32
// Executing singleton of card 2 at 5,3
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-ful-12532852' );
display_attack( 'singleton-ful-12532852', 1, 2, 5, 3, 2, 8, 5, 2, 'left', 'hps', 53.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 53.000, 5, 2 );
send_to_chamber( 'singleton-ful-12532852', 5, 2, 8, 2, 'attack' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'singleton-ful-12532852', 1, 1 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_32', '2' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:20:46 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:20:49 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requesting turn 32. Current turn in db: 32
// Executing singleton of card 2 at 5,3
// [+] Starting singleton #1/1
set_new_attack_run( 'singleton-ful-12532852' );
display_attack( 'singleton-ful-12532852', 1, 2, 5, 3, 2, 8, 5, 2, 'left', 'hps', 53.000 );
// lower_card_stats( 'hps', 53.000, 5, 2 );
send_to_chamber( 'singleton-ful-12532852', 5, 2, 8, 2, 'attack' );
add_nodes_to_player( 'singleton-ful-12532852', 1, 1 );
set_match_meta( 'player_1_has_MoA_on_turn_32', '2' );
// [-] Finished singleton #1/1
// Adding commands
// Declaring new turn
set_current_turn( 33 );
set_playing_turn_owner( 2 );
block_all_players_but( 2 );
add_nodes_to_player( 'addnodes-h6f58sa7fg49if7u', 2, 1 );
notify_all_cards_used( 2 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 2 );
// Complementing commands

8/23/2023, 11:20:49 AM [ui_commands]
Set current turn
Current turn set to 33

8/23/2023, 11:20:49 AM [___cleanup_leftover_anims]
Leftover anims cleaned

8/23/2023, 11:20:49 AM [ui_commands]
Set playing turn owner
Playing turn owner set to 2

8/23/2023, 11:20:49 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.start_turn_timer]
Turn timer started

8/23/2023, 11:20:49 AM [ui_commands]
Block all players but...
Blocking all players but 2

8/23/2023, 11:20:49 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.rebind_board_cards]
Rebinding all board cards of player 2

8/23/2023, 11:20:49 AM [block_all_players_but]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:20:49 AM [ui_commands]
Add nodes to player
Player 2 nodes count updated from 14 to 15

8/23/2023, 11:20:49 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 2

8/23/2023, 11:20:49 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:21:11 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__card_moved]
Card #9 moved from slot 1,3 to slot 3,3

8/23/2023, 11:21:11 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__remove_card_from_hand]
Cards in hand updated from [] to []

8/23/2023, 11:21:11 AM [ui_commands]
Place player card in board
Card 9 from player 2 placed on 3,3

8/23/2023, 11:21:11 AM [ui_commands]
Clear module
Module 1,3 cleared

8/23/2023, 11:21:11 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__card_moved]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:21:11 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.__card_movement_confirmed]
Board view unblocked

8/23/2023, 11:21:11 AM [ui_commands]
Clear module
Module 1,3 cleared

8/23/2023, 11:21:11 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
move_card( 2, 9, 1, 3, '3', '3' );
set_match_meta( 'player_2_has_MoA_on_turn_33', '9' );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 2 );
// Adding commands

8/23/2023, 11:21:11 AM [ui_commands]
Move card
Moving card 9 of player 2 from 1,3 to 3,3

8/23/2023, 11:21:11 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 2

8/23/2023, 11:21:14 AM [ui_commands]
Conclude turn
Manual turn conclusion triggered

8/23/2023, 11:21:14 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.stop_turn_timer]
Turn timer stopped

8/23/2023, 11:21:14 AM [conclude_turn]
Board view blocked

8/23/2023, 11:21:14 AM [conclude_turn]
Board view unblocked

8/23/2023, 11:21:14 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Declaring new turn
set_current_turn( 34 );
set_playing_turn_owner( 1 );
block_all_players_but( 1 );
add_nodes_to_player( 'addnodes-kap6ze6xk3btzjn6', 1, 1 );
notify_all_cards_used( 1 );
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );
// Complementing commands

8/23/2023, 11:21:14 AM [ui_commands]
Set current turn
Current turn set to 34

8/23/2023, 11:21:14 AM [___cleanup_leftover_anims]
Leftover anims cleaned

8/23/2023, 11:21:14 AM [ui_commands]
Set playing turn owner
Playing turn owner set to 1

8/23/2023, 11:21:14 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.stop_turn_timer]
Turn timer stopped

8/23/2023, 11:21:14 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_timer.clear_turn_timer]
Turn timer cleared

8/23/2023, 11:21:14 AM [ui_commands]
Block all players but...
Blocking all players but 1

8/23/2023, 11:21:14 AM [app.battle_engine.hooks.flow_control.rebind_board_cards]
Rebinding all board cards of player 1

8/23/2023, 11:21:14 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:21:17 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 34 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:21:17 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:21:17 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:21:21 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 34 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:21:21 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:21:21 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:21:24 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 34 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:21:24 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:21:24 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:21:27 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 34 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:21:27 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:21:27 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:21:30 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 34 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:21:30 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:21:30 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:21:33 AM [ui_commands]
Exec UI commands
// Requested turn 34 not found. Doing nothing.
enable_turn_listener_for_all_but_player( 1 );

8/23/2023, 11:21:33 AM [ui_commands]
Enable turn listener for all but player...
Enabling turn listener for all but player 1

8/23/2023, 11:21:33 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetched OK. UI commands executed.

8/23/2023, 11:21:36 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:21:39 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:21:42 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:21:45 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:21:48 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:21:51 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:21:54 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:21:57 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:22:00 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:22:03 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:22:06 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:22:09 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:22:12 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:22:15 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:22:18 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:22:21 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:22:24 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:22:27 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:22:30 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:22:33 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:22:36 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:22:39 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:22:42 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:22:45 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:22:48AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:22:51 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:22:54 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:22:57 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:23:00 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:23:03 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:23:06 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:23:09 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:23:12 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:23:15 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:23:18 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:23:21 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:23:24 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:23:27 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:23:30 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:23:33 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:23:36 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:23:39 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:23:42 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:23:45 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:23:48 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:23:51 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:23:54 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:23:57 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:24:00 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:24:03 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:24:06 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:24:09 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:24:12 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:24:15 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:24:18 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:24:21 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:24:24 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:24:27 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:24:30 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:24:33 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:24:36 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:24:39 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:24:42 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:24:45 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:24:48 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:24:51 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:24:54 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:24:57 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:25:00 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:25:03 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:25:06 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:25:09 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:25:12 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:25:15 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:25:18 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:25:21 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:25:24 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:25:27 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:25:30 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:25:33 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:25:36 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:25:39 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:25:42 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:25:45 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:25:48 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:25:51 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:25:54 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:25:57 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:26:00 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:26:03 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:26:06 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:26:09 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:26:12 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:26:15 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:26:18 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:26:21 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:26:24 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:26:27 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:26:30 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:26:33 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:26:36 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:26:39 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:26:42 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:26:45 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:26:48 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.

8/23/2023, 11:26:51 AM [app.battle_engine.turn_listener.run]
Turn fetching failed.


Aug 23, 2023 3:31 PM (2 years ago)

Not a bug. The other player deleted the match without announcement.

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