🟥 #FR2311172119 extra nodes (#MainGame / #Alpha0010 / CLOSED)

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During discussion with Trey, we realized that we would need to boost some nodes during the match to allow players to use the magics and stronger cards such as generals and Legendaries.
The number suggested is as follows:

Round 10: gives 1 extra node

Round 15: gives 2 extra node

Round 20: gives 3 extra node


Nov 17, 2023 9:21 PM (1 years ago)

During these rounds, Maybe change the color or add some indicator on the Round counter to represent that is different or more special from the others.  

Jan 16 3:56 PM (12 months ago)

Changed color to yellow and added a subtle blink effect.

Side note: I previously implemented the turn change sound effect... both players had the same effect, but I made it different for each one, and here it can be heard.

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