🟥 #BR231128T192848 - Jumper magic (#MainGame / #Alpha0010 / CLOSED)

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I wanted to use my jumper magic to move my card to 1 or 2 blocks UP but that slot wasn't available i don't know why. My card had an arrow pointing up, so the game show allow the card to move up to. There might be some glitch with moving up. I remember I had the same issue using the sniper magic.

Client info:

  • Client version: 0.0.10
  • Platform: electron
  • Device type: browser
  • Display dimensions: 1440x900px
  • Viewport resolution: 1440x810px
  • User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) com.armyofcrypto.game/0.0.10 Chrome/93.0.4577.82 Electron/14.2.9 Safari/537.36

Current match info:

  • Match id: #1673
  • Creator: @tordan (CryptoWizard)
  • Challenger: @treyteam (TreyTeam)



Jan 21 8:27 AM (11 months ago)

Target calculation algo refactored. Fix effective immediately.

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