🟥 using magics (#MainGame / #Alpha0010 / CLOSED)

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I've accidentally used a few magic cards during the battle without having the intent to do so. 

Once I selected the magic, I forgot that if I selected a card on the board, the magic would be activated.

In order to mitigate this, once a magic card is selected, the magic would appear on the preview as it is right now, also we could add an arrow coming from the preview that would indicate that the magic is selected and that the player should select one of the cards on the board in order to cast the spell. I think that would help visually and it would be nice as well. 

Ex: Gods unchained has a chain as you can see on the pic below:


Jan 15 4:26 PM (11 months ago)

Drawing a line like that is not possible with the current implementation.

On the other hand, mobile devices won't see this effect applied because there is no pointer.

Jan 15 4:28 PM (11 months ago)

Moved to Feature Requests forum.

Jan 16 2:20 AM (11 months ago)

I added a blinking effect to the magic cards. I hope this helps to remark the difference between them and the attack cards when selected.

This feature will be included in the next build.

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