Posts published on June 30, 2023 go to media archive

🟥 #BR230702C - numbers being shown on octagon pieces (Main game / Alpha 0.0.6 / #CLOSED)

If you hover the mouse on any octagon piece, a number is displayed(regardless if the octagon has a card on it or not.) Action: Remove these numbers when hovering on any octagon.  Pic for reference: 

🟥 #BR230706C - Auto Confirmation of match conclusion (Main Game / Alpha 0.0.7 / CLOSED)

One of the methods to check the winner of the match is not automatically running on the event that one of the players lose all cards to the chamber with no further plays. Currently to end the game at this stage, the Loser has to either "Pass" or…

🟥 #BR230702 - game music (Main game / Alpha 0.0.6 / #CLOSED)

The music during the battle is overlapping with the music from the MENU.  The test was done on the Whitehouse map. I noticed that there were two musics in the background. When I went to settings and turned off the music during the gameplay, the…

🟥 #BR230706F - creating deck with 8 magics (Main Game / Alpha 0.0.7 / CLOSED)

When creating a deck with 8 magic cards, the following error pops up: The system should accept up to 8 magic cards when building the deck(I think right now its accepting only 4 magics somehow). I know magics won't be used for the game atm, but as…