🟥 #BR230706F - creating deck with 8 magics (Main Game / Alpha 0.0.7 / CLOSED)

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When creating a deck with 8 magic cards, the following error pops up:

The system should accept up to 8 magic cards when building the deck(I think right now its accepting only 4 magics somehow).

I know magics won't be used for the game atm, but as for the building part, this will need to be double checked. 

Here's a pic of the deck I was trying to build:(warrior deck).




Jul 2, 2023 4:22 PM (2 years ago)

In fact... there's something wrong with the detection algo, because magics should be up to 2 of each category, and the message you getting is wrong: max magic ATTACK cards should be 2 and not 4.

Will recheck back when magics are implemented.

Jul 25, 2023 9:07 PM (1 years ago)

After reviewing the algo, checked this ticket.

If you notice in the warning: you can't use more than 4 magic ATTACK cards. You added 6, so it is fine.

The next image is taken from the whitepaper:


Closing the ticket.

Jul 25, 2023 11:07 PM (1 years ago)

Side note: enforced max of 2 cards per category. Fix already in production.

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